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Sad Boy

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I & this girl had been in love for 1 year. This was our first love, We really had strong feelings for each other and we even decided to marry and had a dreamed a lot about future


2 months back we broke up, as i didn't trust her(it was my mistake as the one who told me about her was my childhood friend). she was hurt by it.


I tried to convince her that i changed and i accepted my mistake and i even stopped talking with that fellow who told me about her.


After breaking:

She tried several times to come back as a friend and no love

(she told me that she felt like sharing her talk with me)

and even i tried but i failed to see her as friend


The last time she made a trail for friendship, and she was like talking to me for 5 mins a day and avoided and i became insane acted like a stupid,


I spoke to her to come back as love she rejected me, spoke very harsh words with me.

I just said "I love you, whatever i did was with the fear of loosing you not out of anger or something, this is my first relation, i really dont know how behave, i changed and il still change"

If you are not intrested ok but please don't be harsh with me


About her mind:

1.She said that, the day when we stopped talking she said to herself that she would never call me again, but she called back again as she felt like sharing her talk with me

2.She wont do somethings what she said(she said that 2 me long back)





Is there any chances of her coming back(missing me or something

don't say leave her, all is fair in the game of love right?????


>>1tell me the plan to win her back thats it

>>2do you think the dumper misses after breaking up


please i really miss her! help me out

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Sad Boy, there is a thread on this forum about called the plan Mach II, or something close to that, about winning back you ex. This is your best plan of action if you want her back. The easiest thing to do though, and less emotionally exausting for the both of you is to give eachother space, as in no contact. Give eachother time to look inside and see what you each want. The worst thing you can do is smoother her with how much you "love her, and need her". This will only push her farther away.

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