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I need to let her know how I feel about her. How?


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I have been out with this girl at least 3 times in groups of friends one of the friends that tagged along was my best friend. Well I really like her and I asked her out last night. She said she worked until 4 and I said well I only work till 4:30 wanna do something afterwards just you and i? She said yeah. Well my friend I guess likes her too and now he is mad at me. I'm worried that he might try to jump in and take her. There is no doubt in my mind she also likes him but there is no doubt in my mind that she also likes me. If things go good this Sunday how can I tell her I'm interested in her more than a friend and would like a relationship?

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First of all, if he's really your friend he's never try to take a girl you like from you. Thats not something friends do to each other.


I have a question. How does she act around you and your friend? Does she act differently with you than with him or vise versa? Is there any eye contact, flirting, or is it just a friend situation?



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she used to act all flirty with him eye contact gentle touching while he worked there. Well since he left i got her number and i've been getting more and more signs each day. Eye contact at first then touching compliments and stuff. Like I said she likes both of us I'm sure I just made the first move. I want to get my point accross to her so my "Friend" doesn't screw this up. I don't think he will but just incase I'm a guy that like to have plans.

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If she likes both of you and you made the first move, you have the upper hand. On the date, compliment her, keep eye contact, flirt - the usual.


If you want to take a more direct approach, I'd try saying something like, " One of my friends told me you had a crush on whats his face (dont say that..but you know what I mean). do you still have feelings for him?" Of course, I'm not sure if that'll work, but atleast it'll get you talking about the topic.


If not that, then ask her for one more date. If she says yes, you'll have the even bigger advantage. Also, so that this "friend" doesnt ruin things, I'd talk to him about this, too.


Good luck!



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i have talked about it with him and he is just regretting his waiting so long. and he is taking it out on me. well im not going to flinch like he hopes. tomarrow i plan on taking this girl out and having a good time and if all goes well ill say something like we will have to do this again maybe next week or something. i got her phone number so its easy to get ahold of her. any other ideas on the matter?

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not a bad thing. You have to keep your cool and watch your friend burn down. Rememeber, when push comes to shove, your friend is gonna go nuts and he's probably gonna seen a little to aggressive to the girl you like.


Keep your cool, but doesnt mean stop going for her. Ask her out, dont be too annoying, make funny jokes and act interested in w/e shes gotta say.

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update on my situation....i got sick today and she had to work a little later than planned(plus she was dead tired) so we made plans to do something later in the week. she told me she'd call me later tomarrow to finalize the plans. This is a good thing right? this shows she is actually at least a little interested in me. Or am i wrong?

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Real friends don't do that crap.


My friend was in love with this chick...he brought her out one night to hang out, just the three of us. We went bar hopping and had separate cars. Well she volenteered to get in my car. So no big deal. Then she tells me she just wants to have a relationship with no strings attached..just sex. What more could a guy ask for? I turned her down, even though she did not have any feelings for my friend, friends just don't do that crap. Till this day my friend does not know that conversation took place.



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