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My path ....what is it??

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I moved from Atlanta to San Francisco about 7 months ago. My instincts told to come out here, I followed my heart to get here. But now in twiddling my thumbs wondering what to do now. I'm working as little as possible at a restaurant , which gives me a lot of free time . This schedule was intended to aid my passion in art, give me time to work in art outside of school ......and it has and does I just don't find myself doing it a lot, I have gotten in a show but even the pieces there barely came out of me, it felt forced at times and I don't know if I enjoy it anymore.....I've grown up hearing it all my life, your drawing talent is your gift don't waste it, I went to school for painting as well, and I am good as it, at Drawing and painting i just don't enjoy doing it anymore....it is not rewarding to me, it's like I know I can do it so it's not fun anymore . I don't mean to sound arrogant at all which I hope it's not coming accross that way I just really do have that talent of drawing ever since I was young . I used to draw for fun, now I don't know why I do it, other than running for the whole wasted talent scenario. I don't know why I am good at this but don't enjoy doing it anymore.

On top of all that I came out here with the notion of following my art , now I don't know what to do, or I'm supposed to tough it out And produce art when in not interested in producing art.

I never graduated college and I am just lost at what to do ......help anyone

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Wel... what do you have to say? Art isn't just doing something aestheict. It's about having a voice and showing people you're thoughts and ideas. If you don't have ideas or thoughts you want to share then drawing well isn't art. Is there something you want to do? SF has a lot going on art wise and in every other way.

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A very good friend of mine moved to SF to pursue a career in making films after being accepted into the top art school there. She ended up hating film by the end, and moved back. I'm not sure what it is about that place that can kill an artist's inspiration, but it just seems like a tough place.


She did also complain about the cost of living there too.

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I think a lot of artists go through a time when they just don't feel like doing it. What else do you enjoy? What else are you good at? Maybe it's time to put art on the back burner and focus on finding new interests, and then possibly making one of those interests a career. Sometimes we can be good at something but not necessarily want to do it for a living.

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We can be talented and brilliant at doing something....but sadly, if it's something that the world now doesn't really need or rely on, then you're just struggling to make yourself heard or seen. I really LOVE art. I'm even good at art ( I used to paint all the time ). But I know that no matter how good I am, nothing can come out of it bc I didn't have the PASSION to back it up in the professional realm ( Ultimately, we all have to work at some point in order to eat and pay the rent ). You may have the talent but you don't have the passion. If you don't have the passion, then you are not going to succeed. You have a few options though :


a) Stay in San Francisco and find a job that pays more with more hours. What's the point of working a restaurant job as little as possible to provide time for art when you don't even have passion for the arts anymore?


b) Secure a job in your hometown and just live life there until you can figure out what you REALLY want in life.


c) Stick around the art scene, do what you are doing there and hope that some sort of inspiration strikes you in order to fuel the passion.

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Well just because you are good at it..does not mean you have passion for it. Sometimes your passion comes from something you ACTUALLY have to work at! Maybe, you should take a break from art..and do something else that might interests you? Plus..you could always go back to it..if you actually have passion for it..in the end.

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