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Best things come when you least expect them. Try not to see your situation as "I must have a girlfriend" but as something like "I'm fine where I am but I'd like to have someone".


As for sparking a conversation...I'd say be yourself. Compliment the girl, ask her about her favorite movies, music - just whatever suits the conversation. Smile alot and keep eye contact. Those usually work. Hope this helps and good luck!



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JynX is right, you don't stand much chance if you are trying too hard and if you want a girlfriend too badly. I feel the same way. It's a difficult situation, because you friends will say, just forget about trying, don't worry and it will come when you least expect it, but putting this into practice is difficult. I'm constantly on the look out for girls, and I can see, with my mates, that the ones that get girls are those who aren't really bothered either way, but in our situation that's almost impossible. I'd say try and make it as obvious as possible that you have many varied interests and take time just every now and again, when the opportunity seems right, to talk to girls, following JynX's advice.



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