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can anyone relate to this?

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I have noticed that i am attracted to men. I have had sex with a man, and i really enjoyed it, but i can't picture myself growing old with a man, it is driving me crazy!!!, all i can picture myself doing with a boy is kissing, and having sex. I just cant get it, i can picture myself growing old with a woman, but i wouldn't want to kiss her, or even have sex. Does anybody else think like this???

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It wick, when you want to have sex with a man, but want all the other things in life. like a wife, a family, company every night, holidays with a woman, growing old with good friends etc, etc, etc.


But if you dont want sex with a women you have some choices to make. It may not be a case of choosing as maybe women just dont do it for you, so unless you get a woman to accept you or you can convince yourself to have regular sex with a women, how is it possible to grow old with one ??? . I really don't have the answer.

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Yeah, i do that alot to. I am attracted to boys now, but i dont think i will want to date men my age when i am forty, thats really weird. It is common for a homosexual to want a normal life outside of homosexuality, read some books about it. I can relate to those books, it tells how homosexuals lebido runs out faster than a heterosexual because of the fact that homosexuality is, in most cases, just sexual urges. But if you are not willing tohave sex with your wife, it will be hard to maintain a healthy relationship with her.

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Hideki, please don't think I am patronizing you with any of this advice.


You are REALLY young to be worrying about living out the rest of your life with a mate. It is very ordinary for young people to go through different attractions as they become sexually mature.


Bear in mind that what matters is HOW you choose to act with these attractions. Any sexual activity with anyone will involve that individual in your life. Sex is a powerful drive-- but you have many, many years of sexual experience ahead of you. There is no need to rush into anything or make decisions.


Right now, you may want to concentrate on forming friendships with a variety of people. From friendships, attractions, and even romantic partnerships, may develop.


I hope you will be happy.

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