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Im not to good at this stuff ><


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yea, im not very good at getting signal and signs from women, so im pretty confused


I've know this girl for over a year now. We met in one of our classes, and we became really good friends. We always work together on stuff in class, and talk alot at the table we sit at. She's very down to earth, in that she is easy to joke around with and stuff like that. We don't talk much out of school, but we could if we wanted to. I'd always had a crush on her, but it never really came out very much.


But last week, we went around out on a field trip to the city. When i was getting on, she asked if we could sit together, so we did. We listened to some music, sharing the headphones. When we got there, everyone else stayed in a big group, or went with the teachers. She suggested we go around together. So we walked around for awhile, stopping to eat and take photos. She eyed down this braclet in a store window, and went in to buy it. When she went to get her money, i gave the clerk my money, and she kept thanking me the whole way back. (thought it would be nice ^^)

Ever since then, I can't get her out of my head.


I would like to possibly ask her out, but im not sure if she likes me like i do, or if it's too soon for dating. Hopefully one of you can help me with this. ^^

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Go for it! It seems like she likes you. But if you're not ready to ask her out right now, then try asking her for her phone number so you can talk to her OUTSIDE of school. Then you can get some sort of idea about how she feels about you.Try to get to the subject of movies. If you can get to the subject of a good new movie, then you can ask her if she saw it and if she wants to go see it with you?


Just an idea.

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Err..yea. I told her how i felt about her, and asked her if she would like to go out with me. She told me she liked some other guy.


She did say that she wanted to hang out with me and some of her friends otuside of school though, so we exchanged numbers.


So ummm, any ideas on what to do now?


*even more confused than before* o.O

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hey Kouichi, i was in the same boat a year ago.


My whole school had a field trip to the Getty museum, (ofcourse the field trip was optional). so i decided to go, either way there was no school that day.


I spent the whole day with the teacher, heh. She's really hot- she useto be a ballet dancer.


We had a great time, but i ofcourse blew it (long story)...




I completely disagree with Sole. Don't be her new best friend. Don't be a rebound guy.


Be her friend if you want. If thats all you want to be a friend, then i suggest to hang out. Otherwise i think you should just move on.


trust me, you'll get over it. It doesn't seem like you spent that much time and effort- so i don't think you should be that emotionally attached.

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