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My current job situation is stressing me out...

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Hello all. I have been working at a particular retail company since last summer. Initially things were going well and everyone kept a positive attitude and whatnot. Lately it seems that many of the co-workers have been a little dramatic.. too dramatic for me.


I've done some minor research and clearly see that I am being bullied. I went to link removed and it is quite clear that I am being bullied by some of my co-workers and the management.


Here are some traits that I have been experienced:



displays a compulsive need to criticize whilst simultaneously refusing to acknowledge, value and praise others

displays a great deal of certitude and self-assurance to mask their insecurity

finding that everything you say and do is twisted, distorted and misrepresented

being subjected to disciplinary procedures with verbal or written warnings imposed for trivial or fabricated reasons and without proper investigation

being coerced into leaving through no fault of your own, constructive dismissal, early or ill-health retirement, etc



For example, when I do something good, I get criticized for it. And when I make a "mistake", I get bullied, or written up...


Now I am at the point where I feel that I should just eventually quit and find a different job, in order for me to be happy without being bullied by others.



What do you all think I should do?


Thank you....

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