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Hello, I have a fairly big problem on my hands. I dont know how to cope with school very well. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to handle school, and I am feeling that same depression that I felt last year even though I now have medication for it. I am seriously considering dropping out. I am wondering what kind of oppertunities there are for a highschool drop out. Or I one with a GED which I am considering studying for.


But the crowded chaos of the school system is just to much for me. What other options are there for a highschool drop out. Any links to related websites would be very appreciated. Anyways thanks for listening. Hope to hear some responses.

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I know a few people who dropped out and got their GED's. Two of them take night courses at a local community college, and live at home. They're doing well, and they can work up to a junior college or something if they want. If you drop out, you should get a job and start saving some money, so you aren't financially crippled when you decide to do something. Good luck with this!

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Would your parents consider home-schooling you? What about a private school where you could get a scholarship? If neither of the above seems like a likely option (although I strongly encourage you to at least ask), then you should have your parents and guidance counselor meet with you and tell them what you have just told us.


Your problem is a valid one, and if you can explain to them what is distracting you, I am sure a solution can be figured out. But only if you play your part and take this problem seriously enough that you make the effort to talk about it with adults who can do something about it.


Dropping out of school...well, it's just not a good idea. This is a highly competitive world where education sets apart those who can make a commitment, work hard, and better themselves from those who can't or won't do any of the above.

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Hello, thankyou for all of your replies. To answere some questions. I am in the 10th grade {sophmore in highschool} And have three years to go. I know it is not forever or in prespective that rediculously long, but I cant do it. I have done homeschooling again and will probly do it for a year until I turn 16, at which time I will take the test for a GED should I fail then I will take it again next year. after that I will probly either get a job or go to community college. This plan seems logical to me. During this time I will study on a few things of which I might like to have for a job. Then we will see were that takes us. Well, any more questions would be nice. And if any of you know were the official GED site is that would be nice to know, so I can obtain all the rules I need to follow.

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You should go to your high school counselors and ask if they offer a post secondary program. I believe every state has it...I used it in ohio.


I moved from southern cali to amish country ohio my freshman year and I dreaded school every day. I was going to drop out, I took 2 study halls every quarter, I never did any homework, and hated school. Finally I found out about the post secondary program in Ohio. I enrolled in this and only stepped foot inside my high school 1 more time after 10th grade...at graduation.


If you can get into post secondary you can go to college instead of high school. Most high schools don't like it because the money they would get for you will then go to the college, so they make it a fight. The good thing, when you're in the program, you no longer work with the school, you go to college and your courses count for high school and college at the same time. The money that would go to your high school then pays for your college books and classes. You also schedule your own classes so you can start school at noon if you like and sleep in while your friends are all at school. And the best thing of all is most colleges have a 4 day week...not many classes on fridays so you usually get a 3 day weekend.


In ohio the minimum GPA is 2.3 to qualify.

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