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Unexpected text and the catch up after 2 years NC

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Again, very valid point. I like the idea of wanting to seed some self love.
Good. I hope so



I guess I have spent the majority of my life alone. I came from a broken family. Left home young. Just wanted to be loved. I guess for a long time it was better than nothing. I do need to work on the self worth. The reality is I know I deserve better. Time to accept that it is never coming from that person.


PS: domestic violence not rape. Not that either are acceptable.


Sorry about the confusion And what you've gone through in general Have you ever considered going to a support group for people who're overcoming similar issues, or possibly getting other types of help? A broken home can wire noticeable AND invisible pains into the mind, that can take years to work through. I that interests you, I highly suggest not going through it alone.


I know from the outside looking in I may look rather pathetic but I just thought that if I perservered the payoff would be there. I get that this is unrealistic and an unhealthy view.

What're you getting from "pay off"?


For the most part I move on and am relieved that I don't have to deal with that anymore. I have just found it hard to recover and have becoming largely skeptical of people. Its almost as if someone is nice to me it feels in natural, in the sense of affections of the heart.

If kindness feels unnatural to you, this is another sign that you're in deep, deep need of help outside yourself. It's also a sign that you need to forgive someone.

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