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Don't you ever feel displaced?

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dont u ever feel like the people u talk to and hang out with dont really know you know you?you tend to feel left out and not a part of the circle..well thats what im feeling write about now.....i want to have friends i feel like i know n that they know me....i dont want to have to act like a different person when im around them....n im sick and tired of feelin like the poop on the bottom of a shoe.....if anyone lese feels this way please reply......how do u deal with it? and how do u learn to love urslef?

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I feel the same way sometimes. A while back I posted about feeling hopeless or useless and someone left a really helpful reply. They told me to look at all of these quotes by this man Peter McWilliams. They were really great and made me sort of step back and look at everything generally and understand what actually matters. You should check him out.


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I feel that way a lot whenever my friends r talking to some of their other friends that iono and it feels liek im left out.Especially when my friend is talking to some girls that are friends and i when i just look over to them when they are talking and they look back at me with that look of "Why are u looking at me ugly?" then im like ya i dont feel like i belong here lol! plenty of situations that go down liek that i think we all have those times because we always ahve friends that have friends that we do not know so dont feel bad lol and have a good one,peace!!

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Just a few cents worth of Wisdom from me.


1) You can't please everybody


2) Anyone who doesn't accept is not a friend.


3) People who lists expectations are suckers.


4) Introspection is the greatest killer of emotions, so think outward.


5) When you feel self conscious, try to think in another person's shoes, try to read magazines and stuff, try running or playing a sport, try joking with your friends, just do something outward. Because being inward thinking will prevent you from talking to friends, that's why you feel out of place.


6) You don't always engage in exciting conversations. There is always a topic you are unfamiliar with. Always some spaces of silent somewhere. Sometimes you just need to listen .... sometimes you just need to enjoy the language of silence. These are part and parcel of friendship .... doesn't have to be always exuberant.


7) You have to go though life anyway, why not just enjoy the ride?


8) If you have a problem, its either you solve it or you let go.


9) Sometimes it takes the strongest person on earth to "Let Go".


10) Greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world.


Just me


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