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Things really do get better with time

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Just gut through it, and try not to do anything too embarrassing


I found enotalone after my 4 and half year relationship ended in March. She moved away and is now with someone else, and we have talked maybe 3 times in the past 3 or 4 months. She just needed to be her own person. And I was looking for someone who wanted to be in a commited relationship. It just wasn't meant.


I just called her today out of the blue, and it's weird to see how different my own feelings really have become with time. I still love her as a person, but I don't love the person she has become. I have finally realized how over her I am, and I feel just so great I can't put it into words.


I always thought I'd hold out forever, heck I had even written the word "always" beneath a picture of ours that hung on my wall for a few months. But the truth is you do eventually lose the feelings, no matter how hard you try or how strong it was. You really do.


For all the people out there who are just horribly, horribly depressed. It gets better. It really, really does. You eventually move on, the suicidal thoughts disappear, even the "great" idea to go kill the new guy goes away as well. You can actually look back at the good times and even laugh about just how pathetic you have been acting.


Wallow in misery, get drunk, get laid, whatever you way of coping is, but just know that your life is far from over, and the one for you is still out there just waiting to be discovered. It takes time, but that old cliche is very, very true.

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My problem is our divorce is still in process and after a month of being separated I still feel sick everyday. Hardly can eat , get out of bed, anything. I talk to her on the phone and she tells me she isn't in love with me anymore yet I can't let go. Here I am 29 years old and still can't get over someone , I cry all day , I mean all day , it's pathetic. I don't do anything all day , hardly can even go to work without breaking down. I obsesse over her all day. We were married for 5 years and now she is gone and I just feel my whole world is gone. You would think at my age I could handle it , but I can't. She tells me she doesn't even think about me and that kills me . I just don't know what to do anymore.

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I have finally realized how over her I am, and I feel just so great I can't put it into words.


I'm certainly not this happy yet, but I can relate to the post about crying all day and thinking about nothing except my ex. It can be such a slow process, and we humans want instant gratification. I still cry on occasion, and then try to think of the Sh@@ty things she did and how I can do better. Hang in there, and I'm sure you'll be putting up a post like mine before long.

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I have finally realized how over her I am, and I feel just so great I can't put it into words.


I'm certainly not this happy yet, but I can relate to the post about crying all day and thinking about nothing except my ex. It can be such a slow process, and we humans want instant gratification. I still cry on occasion, and then try to think of the Sh@@ty things she did and how I can do better. Hang in there, and I'm sure you'll be putting up a post like mine before long.

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(Assuming soulmates are real) They are not your soulmate if they don't want to be with you.

I think I need to modify that and put it as my signature. lol. That way EVERYONE will see it. No one has to believe me. It is after all just my opinion. I just hope people will read it, take it into consideration, meditate on it, and draw their own conclusions.

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  • 8 months later...

Trust me, even though I'm the one that said it I find it hard to follow that logic as well. But not so much recently. I really have come to the conclusion recently that this guy was NOT my soulmate (that is if soulmates are real). If they are real, I honestly don't think I'll ever meet mine or at least be lucky enough to fall in love with them. At least I know that my ex was not my soulmate and that helps me to move on.

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