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Its me again, will this work?

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I posted about my heartbreaking story few days back. I am in so love with him that I cant let him go. I cant accept him being someone else and want him back so badly. One of my friends told me about this love spells that are available in net. It says they will make him come back and love me so dearly and will be ready for a commitment. What do u all think. any ideas, experiences, thoughts, opinions......

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Ok, I don't know if any of that stuff is real. I don't even know if I believe in God (still searching). But I used to be very interested in theology and different religions. Wicca and paganism in general being some of the things I was most interested in. And what I learned through studying that is you can't influence love. So, lets say spells and stuff are real. Doing a love spell is probably not going to help much. But you can try it anyway. It won't hurt anything.

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Ok, I don't know if any of that stuff is real. I don't even know if I believe in God (still searching). But I used to be very interested in theology and different religions. Wicca and paganism in general being some of the things I was most interested in. And what I learned through studying that is you can't influence love. So, lets say spells and stuff are real. Doing a love spell is probably not going to help much. But you can try it anyway. It won't hurt anything


so sad. Yeah true we cant influence love, but was thinking that these spells would remove those blocks from his mind and to make him see how much i truly love him and make him understand




a) Casting a love spell on someone to get them to love you is against Wiccan tradition.


b) Do you really think that casting a love spell is going to work? Unless you're a hardcore believer, I'd say no.


I dont know about wicca..


I cant say I am a hardcore believer, but I do believe that theres a superpower above us and if we show our true love, he might do the needful (so childish huh?, but thats my situation right now, so depressed and lonely.)

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It's ok, sweetie. Trust me, the idea of doing a love spell did cross my mind for a split second too. But that was during my times of utter desperation. I understand what you're going through. I'd love to be back with my ex but I know I'm never going to be. It's something that I'm still trying to accept but I know I will in time. And so will you. Have hope.

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EEEEKKKKK Wiccans Run for the hills before they turn us all into toads... lol j/k



I don't think that wiccan spells or anything mystical will bring this person back to you. I think that time is the only mystical thing that may bring him back. So knowing this you should move on with your life and if he comes back then it was meant to be.



Otherwise let him go no matter how much you hurt.


Hubman 8)

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Thanks you all.


Yes love is not something we can force someone to do. I understand. But those 10 years we have been together as a couple against our tradition and me giving him everything, its very hard to forget and move on. I cant even think of being with someone else like I have been with him. Yes I mean sexually too. This was my first love. I was like a wife to him not a GF. Also now I hear that his parents has seen someone for him and hes going to marry soon. After beleiving him for so long, I feel like I am left in the middle of the road right now. That's the reason I thought may be God who saw all this might do something for me

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