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Lost and without a Clue

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Hey Guys Im really in need of some Help!


I dont know how I can start this Post without letting you guys know about my story so here it is ...please read... link removed


Update on the Latest:


Its been 8 weeks since we have seen each other. Although, we have talked on the phone roughly 3 times in the past 2 weeks and she did call me twice and sent me a card on my Bday. I sent a Thank You letter to her and said all this nice stuff. Its been a couple of days and Im not really expecting her to call right away but I kinda was hopin she call me and say something about the thank u card. So the ball is in her court.


Ok that is what happened so far...

Guys Im just really confused on what I have to do as far as sittin her down and having the talk. I mean when we talk on the phone, its just about work and how everything else is...its Weird feeling talk. Which is normal I guess. But I know I have to talk to her cause im going crazy over here thinkin ..what is she thinkin"...Why is she doin this?

I know i have to sit down and talk to her. But the thing is ...we havent talked about US since the break. And she asked for the break and its been like 2 months now..and she was kinda goin on the basis of that lets wait a month and see what happens....so Ive given her more time then she asked for...and Ive been really good too. I want to tell her how i feel about her and how Im still madly in love with her and I want her in my life ...more then a friend. I want to tell her all this stuff but im scared cause i dont want to scare her away ...cause we all know we all got this information all at once..our first reaction would be...I dont know.


The circumstances are kinda still the same. We work soo much that we dont have time for anything. But guys i really want to make it work. I want to try to do things slower and not really rush back into things..But i want to be there for her.


So i know I have to talk to her but what Im confused about ...How to go about it.... I def want to see her in person and do this cause we havent seen each other in 8 weeks and they might create a spark that i could use to my advantage...Do i write it all down and just read it to her....do I wait til weve hung out a couple of times and see where things go ..then talk....I think it would be too much if i just came out of the blue and said all this stuff..Dont you?



Just another Side note:

I just talked to a friend of mine who is best friends with my ex, and I told myself to not talk to her cause i feel like she would tell my ex everyting but of course i didnt listen to myself. And I asked her...Did you see something between me and Kimmie? (Mind you she hasnt been able to hang out with my ex casue she is soo busy but they talk on the phone a couple of times ..so im sure she knows whats goin on) She said There was Def something there. Yes, Love, IN Love, I dont know. I know she may not know exactly what my ex is thinkin about For some reason those WORDS stuck in my head...


Just so LOST and without a clue





Guys I need help... Please help PM or reply

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