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Is there anyway of getting her back?? Or any chance???

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We talked for two and a half weeks. Never kissed. But we texted everyday. Talked in person at school everyday going out of ech others ways. She would text me first mostly. We went on two dates together. First was with my bestfriend and his girlfriend bowling. After that date she texted my friends girlfriend saying im so sweet. Our next date was just me and her and we went to Tropical Smoothie. She told me how sweet, goodlucking, cute, nice, fresh, handsome I was. She told me a secret she couldn't tell any guy she liked which was right when her mother died, her dad came out and said he was gay. She told me she was very self-conscious about it and I was the first person she told.


The Separation

Well the day of the separation we were suppose to go on our third date, to the movies, at 11 AM with my bestfriend and his girlfriend. I got all ready and called her and she didnt answer. 10:30 AM came and I get a text from her saying "I'm so sorry (my name) , I spent the night at (name of her best friends) house (which she did) and fell asleep forgetting to set the alarm on my phone. I am so sorry I feel awful." I said its okay dont worry about it I understand. She said Its not ok and she'll make it up to me next weekend.


The rest of the day texting got awkward. Short texts and long durations between replys. So I had my friend over. My friend, who is a dumbsh1t was in the room where my phone was on the charger and I went to the bathroom. While I was out of the room she asked what we were doing and he replied "Having gay butts3x, Im being the B1TCH". He knew nothing about her dad. Thats how we got seperated. Side note, I asked her if the 100% reason was because of the text, and she said yes 100% reason why.


The Fight for Her Back

I apologized. Plenty of times. My friend apologized via text and in person. I asked her if we could talk on the pone and she said yes at 8pm. I called her at 8pm and she didnt answer. I called her at 8:30PM she didnt answer. Then I tried one last time at 9:00PM, got no answer. Then she texted me, saying sorry I have too much homework to talk on the phone. I just want to be friends, the situation is weird and awkward and i dont like it. So then I told her i'd give her space. Then texted her in a couple days and she didn't respond. So I went a couple more days then texted her. We talked for an hour and she didnt respond. My bestfriends girlfriend asked her why she didnt respond, she said she said she did, showed her the text, but I never got it so I think its bs. Anyways I went no contact with her after that. I went 12 days. Last sunday was the 12th day and I decided to text her and see how shes doing. We talked pretty good, and then she randomly didnt respond back again. So after 2 hours of no response i told her "goodluck tomorrow at try outs, dueces". Then decided im never gonna text her again and deleted her number. Her excuse this time for not texting back was because she was tired, and at 7:30 she fell asleep. Tell me, do you think that is a lie? I do. Then I went into no contact/move on mode. Which brings me here.


Why I am here

Two mondays ago, at the end of the day, HER bestfriend was at her boyfriends locker and she said "hi (my name)". I said hey and about 20 steps later to my left is the girl i like saying "hey (my name)!" with a smile while she was on the phone. We have walked past each other 50+ times before that and she never said anything to me prior to the seperation. So idk whats up with that?. A crazy side note is i have NEVER talked to her bestfriend before and I find it weird she said hi. Last monday came, and the girl this thread is about said "Hi (my name)" and the next day she said "Hey (my name)" again. Then the next day was her birthday and I texted her at 9PM saying Happy Birthday, and she replied at 11:30PM"Thankyou (My Name)! Shes left me confused as a mutha.


Informaton I forgot to add

  • She texted me first
  • She put ALOT of smiley and winky faces
  • She told my friends girlfriend(the one we went on dates with) and her bestfriend the other day she just wants to be friends and that shed text me back
  • She still isn't talking to anyone (guys)
  • Tomorrow is day 14 of no contact besides the encounters of her saying hi to me and me telling her happy bday
  • Im 17 and shes 16
  • We were talking on valentines day, and I bought her a small box of chocolates and gave it to her. She was really happy about it and told my friend and his girlfriend that she just wanted to grab and squeeze me. But she didn't. And that day, we usually don't text during school, I got a text from her saying just


I just can't get over her. She was my highschool crush (everyone has one) and I had her just for her to slip away. I know we never date, and its been about a month, but i am still not over her. Is this normal? Also is there any chance on us getting back together? If so is there a way? I really like her and want to get back to the way we used to be, even though shes told people she just wants to be friends..

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Her sending mixed signals is trouble. You smothering her in the beginning didn't help. You are too caught up in this. Go NC, don't be her friend, and maybe in 3 months revisit it. And in that 3 months get really focused on yourself and who you are becoming. But i still thinks she's trouble and not worth it.

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You keep asking the same questions Casual , and I am sorry but i think maybe you're waiting for the answer that you want to hear. There is nothing you can do , it's all up to her


All the time she just wants to be friends , you won't get what you want. If she changes her mind in the future then maybe you have a shot, until then , do what everybody has been telling you all along

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Get her back???


CD....you weren't a couple. I told you this weeks ago when you contacted me. At that time you were trying to convince me that you were "over her" and you woulnd't contact again. Then you said maybe you would contact her again. Then you said probably not for a long time.


I'm going to be honest with you AGAIN...but you probably won't listen so I guess it doesn't matter anyways...but here it goes...


She doesn't want to be your girlfriend. You went on two dates?? You were not her b/f and she was not her g/f. who cares if she was your crush/ Your friend did something stupid, broke her trust in you, and she moved on very fast.


By the way, you didn't "get separated" because of your friend's text, you know that right? Seriously, you understand that right?


Because you guys weren't together. Going a few dates and talking a lot is not a relationship. Here;s the truth..she got to know you, didn't like you as much as you like her and found the best excuse ever to not date you anymore - which is your friend's text.


Now, look at yourself...for a few weeks (yes, weeks) you've been telling anyone who'll listen this same story over and over...and here's the part that is killing me...the girl says "hi, (your name" and thanks you for wishing her a happy birthday and your confused?????


Why are you confused? Should she just ignore you and never talk to you again? Didn't you guys say you'd just be friends?...You know that friends say "hi" to each other, right? and when a friend says happy birthday the other friend says thank you, right?....


The truth is ...she isn't leaving you confused, YOU are leaving YOU confused.


She just wants to be friends. And now it very obvious why she just wants to be friends...because you are acting very immaturely about a very simple situation. And, NO there is no way of getting her back. That's what you have to realize right away. But of course, I've told you this for weeks privately. And you agreed, but then you come back and recite this whole story again and ask for other opinions. Fair enough. Get another opinion, get one hundred opinions. Finally someone will tell you "yeah, you can get her back...she's just playing head games or something" and that's when you'll stop asking and you'll go ask her out again and she'll say "no, I just want to be friends" and that'll kick you in the stomach and make you feel bad again.


It's so obvious to everyone else that she's just not into you. And she doesn't care that sh'es your highschool crush because you are not her crush.


Time to move on...you are obsessing about a girl you had 2 DATES WITH ONLY!!!!

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Dude. I knooooow it sucks. I know it does. But you've been posting this same question over and over and over and over for weeks on end now. The answer is always the same. You were obviously way more into her than she was into you. She is over it and has moved on... you should do the same. You HAVE to do the same. You are stuck obsessing while she is out living her life, probably not even giving this whole thing a moment's thought. I recall you posting something that made me think this is the last semester of your senior year in HS. If so, please don't keep wasting time worrying about this. You should be out making great memories with your friends and enjoying the end of your HS career, not pining away for a girl you never even dated. Are there any other girls at school who tickle your fancy??

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Okay, casualdude. Do this: tell her how you feel. Send her a text, tell her in person, whatever. Just say: hey, even though you just want to be friends, i think you should give another shot at getting to know me. i really think your cool/pretty/whatever it is that you like about her, and just leave it at that. Let her know how you feel. That way, you can stop OBSESSING over this, because the ball will be in her court and you won't have to be so "confused" about everything she says/does. Trust me, just let her know how you feel. I'm a girl and trust me, its much more attractive for a guy to be straightforward with me personally than obsessing over everything i say and writing it out to strangers on the internet asking what it meant. Just tell her what's up with how you feel and then let us know what happens...thats probably the only thing you can do right now to regain her interest in you. shes not going to miss you by no contact.

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The definition of madness is repeating the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.


Sound familiar?


Cut her out of your mind...stop making more of this than there is...seriously - think about what you are doing to yourself over 2 dates and some casual conversation....if you could even consider that a "conversation" - more like being polite, IMHO.


You need to re-read what Seoulmate and others have said here.


Its time to re-evaluate what you are hoping for, what you want to accomplish, and do some real hard thinking about your actions, her actions, and the space between.

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yes, you should sit back and reevaluate this whole thing. we all get a little "obsessed" sometimes...but, if you really are killing yourself with this, (which you are) give yourself some peace of mind by telling her how you feel and then stop asking over and over again. for pete's sake just DO something about this, forget it anything but continuing to ask over and over again. What are you looking for someone to say?

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