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Just venting.

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so as the title says I'm just venting about my recent break up. So don't feel the need to reply to this.


I'm so close to just sending her an email and going off my head at her! Although i know it would cause more problems with her and i really don't want to talk to her at the moment considering everything that I'm only just coming to realization with it.

She hurt me numerous times and f****** lied to me. We were good for about a month and then she lost all interest in me. I obviously couldn't see it then, but i sure as H*** see it now. And this she can't blame on her bloody pregnancy.

Monday i found out she's already in another relationship but i don't even know if she got with this Lane dude the day after are breakup! She claims that he makes her happy. It's been a week and I'm still not over it. It took every f****** ounce in me to break up with her, and then she gets with this other dude when she claimed that she 'loved me'. * * * ?!

We were friends before the relationship but now we can't be friends?! but I'm f****** glad were not.

I'm so over it. I just don't get it! I'm so pissed off/hurt/upset. There are numerous things i could do right about now but none of them would help me get over it, it would just create more problems.


Well it felt good to get that off my chest...

now i shall go calm down before i do something stupid.

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