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Why do i receive this torment from people....


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Just because i have not done one thing with a girl in my whole life maybe just ne kiss in some stupid truth or dare game but i dont consider that anything at all.Why do i get called gay for being 17 and not having done anything with a girl in my life or never having one....That doesnt make me gay im just ugly and too ignorant for girls and getting farther and farther behind too catch up.i admit im more ignorant then 13 year old boys with girls and yes i know its pathetic but im ugly....Its these people that like to drag me back down into a good thing we liek to call suicide although im too high above that right now.But one big thing could probably send me off again and i dont like it.This is why i care about wanting a gf and stuff when girls always ask me.Theres something in my mind that tells me i need a gf and says if i dont get one im pathetic.I mena im even put down my peers and called gay if i dont have one...Just called a stupid sexually ignorent fool by some guys and girls.....It might just be better if id die in my sleep and never woke up or thought again....

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No!!!! you wouldn't be better off dead!!!! There is nothing wrong at all not having a girlfriend and some day you will probably have a great relationship with a wonderful girl that you will be happy to be able to experience great things for the first time with it really is better to wait till your older anyway so don't worry about it and if you are really feeling depressed about it you should get some help right away

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dont worry mang i have tried to kill myself befoe and i already have gotten help and i am now taking lexapro.Its just thoughts like that, that come zooming through my head every once and awhile i just feel so bad sometimes even taking the pills.I think i need some extra counseling like padreamer was telling me.People like that just like to degrade me and it sux because i really do end up feeling bad...

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Well maybe they want to see ur nicer side of you and they would consider maybe going out with you I not sher. I used to kinda be ur way maybe not as bad. But I used to not talk to girls and every thing so nice I was pretty harse at times. Well about 18 or 19 I started to grow out of it. But hey just as long as ur happy let it stay that way. People would tell me why i never had a GF I would just tell them im not looking right now. Just brush it off your shoulders and continue what ur doing if thats what you like.

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If i tell people that im just not looking right now they can usually see right through me and start bothering me about how i dont have a gf or neve rhave had 1.They can see that im unattractive and very shy so they see that i probably want a gf but im too ugly to get one thats what they like to tell me.No matter how nice u r girls do not want an ugly bf.Because like say when their friends see who shes dating they will think wow hes ugly why did u date him?All the nice girls that see how good of a guy i am are usually married maybe it is true all the good women r taken...

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Maybe I'm 1 in a bajillion women (which i highly doubt) but I do not give 2 *beeps* about looks. I had one boyfriend and all my friends thought he was hideous. He has a paralysed cheek and a big knot in it and a harelip. To me he was the most handsom guy in the world, and to this day he still is. You know why? Because he is amazing. Even after we broke up I could still go to him, crying about getting dumped, or moving...anything. I don't care about looks, it's all about personality.


If people laugh at you and call you gay because you are 17 and don't have a girlfriend, let them. It doesn't matter what they say. I know it gets discouraging sometimes but they aren't anything important. Listen if you don't have a girlfriend, it's not the end of the world. Here are some advantages of not being Mr. I-Get-All-The-Girls.


1. When you do finally get a girl, you'll know how to treat her.


2. You will be able to show her how much you truly care.


3. It'll be so much more special.


You must love yourself before you love anyone else. Don't keep telling yourself you are ugly, because I know your personality has to be great, which makes you beautiful. Raise your self-esteem and try boosting your self-confidence. That'll help some too. I'm here, if you ever need to talk.




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You are NOT ugly. Keep telling yourself that, "I am not ugly." I've noticed your posts and you seem like a really good person. Somewhere out there is someone perfect for you and when you find her it'll be better than anything you've thought possible. I'm 21 and I've done anything with a girl either. I know its frustrating and depressing. I know you sometimes feel like your life is pointless. But you've got to have faith that things will get better. Focus on the good things, no matter how small they are. You've talked about the good girls ending up with jerks. Know that your the one those girls will eventually turn to. The good women aren't all taken, their searching for someone just like you. You just have to be patient until she finds you.


Most people in this world are ignorant jerks. They put people down to try and make themselves feel bigger. But deep down, their probably feeling just as bad as you, maybe worse. And as for you being ignorant with girls, I'd say it's the opposite. You know how to treat a girl right, how to be nice, respectful, and be a friend. That's what a girl really looks for. At your age, or my age for that matter, it may not seem like that. But it is true. The nice guy does get the girl, it just takes a long time.

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Well said, shysoul. That was very to the point and what needed to be said.

Most people in this world are ignorant jerks. They put people down to try and make themselves feel bigger. But deep down, their probably feeling just as bad as you, maybe worse. And as for you being ignorant with girls, I'd say it's the opposite. You know how to treat a girl right, how to be nice, respectful, and be a friend. That's what a girl really looks for. At your age, or my age for that matter, it may not seem like that. But it is true. The nice guy does get the girl, it just takes a long time.
Very, very true. Every bit of it.



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I've been in your shoes. And I recently got out. So I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from!! My family always gave me a hard time about why I never dated anyone AND I suspected some of them thought I was gay but they didn't want to be blatant. But i'm straight and I didn't date anyone because I thought I was ugly and I am shy.Sometimes I still do think that I'm ugly but I'm working past that.

What I found is that you HAVE to be confident. People sense this a mile away. And it took me 25 years to figure this out! Walk confidently even if you don't sound confident. I actually got positive looks from the opposite sex just by appearing confident. Don't think you're ugly. Because there will always be someone out there who will find you attractive. You just have to expose yourself to different environments and places with different people. Looks don't mean a WHOLE lot either. I've known people who I thought "They certainly couldn't be more attractive than me but how do they get sooo many dates???!!!!" Answer? PERSONALITY! They were outgoing! We're both very shy so you may think "I'm not that outgoing." Neither am I but I try to smile a lot. Conversate when someone asks a question, and look positive. This doesn't make me miss popularity but it lets people know that I'm a nice person that you shoulkd get to know.

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