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Do i have a disorder?

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Everytime i look in the mirror i don't think i am big enough. I like to lift weights alot and do alot of martial arts.


My mother has been telling me i am getting to big and is getting fed up with me eating all the food (even though i buy it).


Thing is, i don't think i'm big atall. Serious advise needed on this situation please. Do i have some form of addiction (the opposite of anerexia prehaps?).


Here is a picture of me;




Am i too big?



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Well...lol. I wouldn't say you were too big. But I definitely think you're a pretty good size. Looks like you're in pretty good shape to me. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I just hope you don't get carried away and turn into one of those competition body builder dudes. Uck! I think they're pretty freakish looking. lol. Keep up the good work! But do it within reason. lol

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Dude, you are a pretty good size and i can see that you have benefitted a lot from the weights and martial arts!


I do remember something about a condition where people worry that they are too small or skinny but in fact they are not, i just cant remember what it was called. I dont think you have it anyway.


Trust us when we say that you are pretty big compared with most people.


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I wouldn't say you're too big. I like the mask though its a good touch to the picture, jk. But rly it's up to you if u want to lift... So do what u want, I love lifting and working out, but thats just me... I'm not as big as u are... But then again im a few years younger Im working on it... Bench up to 265 right now.. pretty good considering im 6'1'' and 185 lbs.

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Wow. I don't think you are too big, but you are big. A good kind of big though. I found something about always wanting to get bigger. Here it is:


Some bodybuilders, obsessed with how big their muscles are, may suffer from a disorder called muscle dysmorphia or "reverse anorexia nervosa", new research suggests.


Researchers have found that muscle dysmorphia, a pathological preoccupation with muscularity, is highly prevalent, especially among men.


According to the researchers, muscle dysmorphia is a relevant diagnostic entity. The proposed diagnostic criteria are:



1. The person has a preoccupation with the idea that his or her body is not sufficiently lean and muscular. Characteristic associated behaviour includes long hours of lifting weights and excessive attention to diet.


2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning, as demonstrated by at least two of the following four criteria:


(i) the individual frequently gives up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of a compulsive need to maintain his or her workout and diet schedule


(ii) the individual avoids situations where his or her body is exposed to others or endures such situations with marked distress or intense anxiety


(iii) the preoccupation with the inadequacy of body size or muscularity causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning, and


(iv) the individual continues to work out, diet or use ergogenic (performance-enhancing) substances despite knowledge of adverse physical or psychological consequences.



3. The primary focus of the preoccupation and behaviour is on being too small or inadequately muscular, as distinguished from fear of being fat, as in anorexia nervosa, or a primary preoccupation only with other aspects of appearance, as in other forms of BDD.


That's all I found. I hope that helps.



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This is also known as the Adonis Complex. If your looking for a great read about one mans bodybuilding adventures you should check out: Muscle : Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder

It's one of the most hilarious yet compelling stories about a man who became a professional bodybuilder, only to realize that he wasn't happy with what he'd become.

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Thanks for the replies eveybody !


Although it still hasn't resolved my problem....

I'm glad you don't think i'm too big, but to be hounest with you- that is my aim!


I really like the attention you get that comes with being muscular, nice comments all the time from people etc. I also like the feeling when you walk into a pub and everybody stares at you! (hope to achieve this soon, am getting closer to it )


Oh well, maybe i will never be big enough!

....I will keep you informed on progress until you think i am too big, then i may calm down a little .


I think i will be reading that book sometime- sounds interesting mate!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have that syndrome. I would rather sit home and drink a protein shake then go out!


Anyway...Your a good size. What supplements are you using?


My cousin used to tell me ( he was a bodybuilder ). The guys that think they are a good size usually aren't, but the guys that never think they are where they should be, usually are a lot bigger then they see in the mirror.


A perfect example:

A friend of mine thinks he is the bomb. However i'm not sure what kind of mirror he is looking in. He thinks he has a 6 pack and huge arms and back. Meanwhile he has a spare tire and scrawny arms that he thinks are pythons. He thinks he is awesome looking. Now me on the other hand...I am never happy with my results, so I read, eat, and lift harder to try to get my body into better shape, always trying to find where I might have missed some part of the puzzle to put me where I want to be. So I think it is good that you do not think you are all that yet, and t his attitude will help you continue to work hard to get the gains you want.


By the way i'm new here...so hello everyone!


Be Cool


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