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Meeting with ex for lunch... any advice?

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It's been about 6 months since my ex broke up with me and I have had a good amount of time without contact with her. Recently I have been avoiding her and her friends. I will be leaving the country and I set up a meeting for lunch before I leave. I don't know when I will see her again and I just wanted to have the opportunity to see her one last time.

I want to talk about our relationship and if we want to be friends but i'm not sure if this will be a good idea. I'm not really sure what I want to achieve and was wondering if anyone had similar experiences to relate to. I would really appreciate your feedback.

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Some people never want to meet their ex after the break up, while others remain friends. If the break up is bad, then it's easy to see why they could never be friends with their ex.

But when someone remains friends with their ex after a relationship where they loved each other, were intimate and then got heartbroken, I am also wondering what they are trying to achieve. Is it that they think there is some hope to get back together? If they can be friends, isn't there a way that they could resolve the difficulties and get back together? Why would you choose as a friend someone that broke your heart, instead of choosing andbody else?

In your case altoids144, it seems that being friends now with your ex would not be a good idea - you are not ready since you are still avoiding her and her friends. Do you want to talk about the relationship to get some closure? Meeting her before you leave is nice, you could just have lunch to say goodbye, and see what she says.

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