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How can sex cloud one's judgement?


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I agree with OG on this one. You should have sex when you feel ready to have it, and it is perfectly fine to not have sex if you don't feel ready. But not having sex with him because you think he doesn't deserve it is not healthy. If he doesn't deserve sex from you, then why does he deserve a relationship with you? Have you thought about that?


Also, there are many women who would disagree with your last statement. Personally, companionship without sex would not be ok with me.

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Bc for the most part he does deserve it, he treats me well, always asks

me to hang out, treats me, etc but he can sometimes go too far and not realize that something he said wasn't nice, like using bad language, etc.. It def comes from his family, but I won't tolerate being treated that way and early on my need to be with him was more important.... It's a lonnnnng story, but basically I grew out of it. It was young immature stuff and I'm realizing now that I have more control over it and I say I don't appreciate something as soon as it happens instead of beig passive about it. Things have changed so far bc of my change. And I am happy with our relationship than I ever was before. Part of the reason I asked this question was because I don't want sex to cloud my judgement when it comes to that. I want to still be strong/rational enough to have control over myself. I don't want sex to take over

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Bc for the most part he does deserve it, he treats me well, always asks

me to hang out, treats me, etc but he can sometimes go too far and not realize that something he said wasn't nice, like using bad language, etc.. It def comes from his family, but I won't tolerate being treated that way and early on my need to be with him was more important.... It's a lonnnnng story, but basically I grew out of it. It was young immature stuff and I'm realizing now that I have more control over it and I say I don't appreciate something as soon as it happens instead of beig passive about it. Things have changed so far bc of my change. And I am happy with our relationship than I ever was before


There's nothing wrong with that, but just be careful that you aren't using withholding sex (or the frequency of sex if/when you start having it) as a form of 'punishment' for when he does something wrong. You wouldn't like it if he did the same, would you?

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