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Wanting Someone with the Same Height


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Hey everyone..


Just curious here and wanted to see what everyone else's opinions are..


Alot of guys on here write that they want a short or tall girl blah blah


Well how many guys out here would rather they date a girl exactly their height? I for one would cuz there are advantages when it comes to kissing and looking in each others eyes cuz your right at eye level..


Would anyone else care to chime in on this?

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A lot of girls seem to think the taller the guy the better, because they like to feel 'protected', but I'm different. I find it intimidating to date guys who are taller than me. I'm the sort of person who believes in equality all the way, I don't like guys paying for my dates or opening doors for me. Likewise, I don't want to date someone whom I perceive to be a lot more powerful than myself, and since height is perceived to be a measure of power, I don't go for the tall guys. I don't want to feel like I'm someone's daughter when I'm going out with them. Big height differences also make it awkward to kiss or look in each other's eyes.


I would prefer a guy who is around my height, but I wouldn't mind dating a guy shorter than me. Not many girls go for the short guys and I like to support the underdog.

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  • 5 weeks later...
To dismiss someone because of height is stupid......why pass up someone who could be the perfect person for you simply because of that???? I wouldn't, I can guarantee that....


That should be my new campaign lol (j/k). I'm only 5'5", so the girls I like are usually around my height, maybe a little shorter.

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It all depends on the person I guess. I personnally (influenced by media, books and such) have always preferred the tall guy (surprise,surprise). My ex was 6'2" , he was also 250lbs and I love the fact that he was so big compared to me (5'4", 115 lbs). This new I'm dating now is around 5'7", 5'8"? which is a considerable difference from my ex, he's also very fit so there's just muscle when I touch him as opposed to the squishyness of my ex. I thought I could only go for big and tall guys after my ex but this new guy is proving me wrong, I'm enjoying not having to crane my neck or get on my tippytoes, it's nice.


About short guys, I'm not sure I'd ever date anyone shorter than me. I'm sorry to say that it sounds really selfish and bad but I guess if he was extremely hilarious...I really don't know, guys! I've never been asked out by a short guy before. But personality is very important, that's how I started going out with this guy even though he wasn't the definition of "my type"- big and squishy.

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