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I feel weird, sad, depress, I don't know.

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Well....this year I've been feeling low, and it get worst every time. I feel my body getting worm when I think of bad stuff..I some times feel dissy, I thought I could take care of it by myself, but I just need to vent a bit.



I just want to know what I have. My whole body turns hot, and I may break a small sweat.


mybey a midlife crisis? or earlylife crisis?

So many things going on in my life.

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It perhaps sounds like you are experiencing things which can make you have these "trips"... I really don't know but dude sometimes I also sweat and feel dizzy.. the thing i use to do is get some fresh air or eat food i know is good for my body... eat healthy and drink healthy.. perhaps making somethign active.. I don't know..

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Do you drink alot of water? Or do you tend to drink alot of soda and other drinks with sugar? I swear the cure-all is water. I used to have the same problem until I started drinking like 1 1/2 to 2 gallons a day. It might be high blood pressure though, have you visited a doctor, that sounds like a symptom of it. well good luck. hope that helps.

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I drink about a gallon a day.


Anyways, every time I visit enotalone it depresses me with all these problems, and I have a couple of my own too, girfriend status, money for college, taking care of my cusin, those are my main concerns right now...And when I visit this site...ah...I get more depress than I already am.


This is gonna be my last thread at eNotAlone, maybey when I feel a lot better I will come back, couple weeks, months, years, I just can't take all of this too depressing. I heard that a college life is stressful, but I had no idea it was this stressfull.


Well....feel free to reply, I will check on this topic later.

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My guess is, due to the things you have been experiencing this year, you are have developed moderate/severe anxiety. Anxiety often manifests itself in the form of sweating, fevers, dizziness, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, etc. It sounds like you have been experiencing a few of these, yes?


I know this because I was diagnosed with severe anxiety myself after some troubling things going on in my life. I was breaking out in sweats, felt like fainting, got warm, and my heart would beat really fast.


What I would recommend is having your doctor evaluate you for anxiety. There are some good and mild medications you can take to help even you out. Just don't go doing anything foolish like drinking or taking illegal drugs. That stuff only makes it worse.


Good luck to you! Hope this helps!

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heh, i'm in the same boat Ghost.


I filed my fafsa late. So now my financial aid is teetering. I'm not sure how much i'm going to need to pay.


I'm taking 21 units...


I'm already behind in half of my classes..


and theres a lot of pressure to get a 4.0 this semester.


Not only that but i have a couple of freelance jobs on my back....


I'm getting excited about a girl, but i only see her once a week...


and i havn't had sex for over 3 years!!!! makes me wish i was a virgin, that way maybe i wouldn't miss it as much...


Needless to say, i'm getting tired of handball.




But atleast i've got things to work on.


oh, and i'm very glad i'm not dead, it seems being dead is not a good thing.

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