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Do u girls like...


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I've seen some topics about guys wondering if girls like tall and lanky guys....well i'm wondering if any girls out there like short (ya i doubt it, but ya never know) and sorta stocky


I'm around 5'6'' and 140 pounds, i'm not chubby or anything, just...bulk....maybe muscular, for my size anyway, but certainly not stronger than guys that are muscular and 6 feet tall.


I feel that a lot of girls don't like this, maybe resulting in my lack of a lot of confidence...so i was just trying to see how many girls would actually like a relatively short and somewhat stocky guy...thanks

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Well, dude, if you have no confidence then forget it. You NEED confidence....or chicks just wont dig you. I'm 16 and I'm 5'5", dont know how much I weigh, but Im not real big neither small. I guess you could call me averge build(for my height) and Im doin pretty damn well with girls, lol. I guess it's cuz I mainly go for short chicks. But yea, worry about getting more confident of yourself before you worry about height(there's nothin you can do bout height anyway).

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What do u girls consider being confident, i don't get how u say that u like guys with confidence, what do u they do that's different? I think that people with confidence are more outgoing, that's all...and i'm quiet, that's just the way i am, so that makes me have no confidence? or seem like i have none?

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No. Confidence to me, is someone who's happy to be the way that they are. They do not intentionally, seek to criticize or hurt others. They are pleasant people, that have nothing but 'Respect' for others. That's what I define as someone who's confident.


I couldn't help it but to give advice, as I should've been studying by now, but I've noticed that there are a bunch of these threads on height, confidence, etc. In some ways, I feel bad, because it seems as though some people take other people's opinions to heart, and beat themselves over it way too much. Looks isn't everything. For those who think that it's everything, well, welcome to the real world. Not everyone's made of PLASTIC.


Opinions are highly subjective. That doesn't mean that if one person has a preference for things, then the whole general population will have a preference for the same thing. About the issues with 'physical attraction,' well, it's really hard to define. There are other components to consider as well, such as chemistry how well 2 people's personalites mesh together, mentally and emotionally. Looks is not the final determining factor on how well two people will bond. It's this unexplainable feeling. What works for one person, may not work for the other.


I define confidence as someone whos humble, someone who knows who they are, and accepts themselves for all that they are. They do not have a standoffish kind of attitude, just your regular Joe. So far, based on what I've read in your posts, I can tell that you truly are a confident guy. That's admirable.


It doesn't mean that just because someone's confident, that they should make it a point to show confidence. In fact, some of the people that I meet in person, the ones who tend to be loudmouths, who push people around and try to make it seem as though they're confident, they're just the oppossite of what defines confidence. If someone has to make it a point to 'prove' confidence, that to me, shows lack of confidence.


Some people can be quiety confident, in which I highly admire. I don't admire those obnoxiously outspoken confident individuals. That to me, shows weakness. Just my 2cents. Hope that you don't beat yourself too hard over other people's opinions. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. So try to take their opinions with a grain of salt. As long as you're happy, what people say shouldn't matter. Hope this helps. I couldn't help it but to respond. Take care. Good night.



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