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My current situation


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There is a particular gal that appears to show interest in me. I emailed her recently, and soon after that, she responded to let me know that her work schedule is busy, and she will keep in contact with me shortly, regarding us to meet up. One week has passed, and I still haven't heard back from her. I sent her another email, but she has not responded. What do you think is the deal? Is that a sign that the truth is that she lacks interest in me. I am not quite sure.



Thank you.

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Hi, I'm sorry, it doesn't sound like she has a lot of interest in dating you. I know personally that if I'm interested in dating a man and he contacts me I'll respond... sometimes it could take me a little while to come up with something good enough to send, but I would never leave it a week and risk him thinking I wasn't interested, or worse, him losing interest in me.


I can't stand it when someone says they're too busy to respond to a text/email/call/whatever. I'm busy at work, flat out most days, but if I'm interested in someone I will always find a moment to respond. Even if it's just "in a meeting, will text you when I get out It takes all of 20 seconds!


I wish that more people had the courage to tell someone honestly (and preferably kindly) that they're not interested. We're all adults, and yes it may hurt at first but telling someone you just want to be friends is not going to end their world! I suppose it's easier to just ignore them and hope that they get the hint.


If I were you I wouldn't contact her again, you've let her know that you're keen.. any more might be too much.

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