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AHHHH so confusing!!


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Ok this has been going on for quite a while now and its starting to drive me nuts. I really don't understand any of this or what is even going on. So ive been talking to this girl who goes to my school for quite a while online now right? Well we talk and stuff but yea im always the one who IMs her first (yea I know thats not a good thing lol). The thing is when she is about to leave she always says that she'll talk to me later but she never does!!! Also when we are at school she like ignores me and pretends I dont exist but sometimes she'll look to see if im looking at her especially when shes with her best friend but I don't think it is because she likes me. What is going on here? I am pretty sure she isn't a shy person. I like want to talk to her at school but the way she acts with me at school isn't exactly motivating

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Don't talk to her for a Really Long time, And when *if* she does try to approach you in school, or over the Phone, E-mail..Txt Mess. anything like that. Simple explain to her something like this.



"Listen (her name), I'm not exactly what you would call a friend towards you anymore, And that isn't me fault, it's more because of the constant pushing and slamming you did when i would make attempts to contact you, you had many times in the past told me that you would call me back, But those words never fell into action....I don't know why it was that way with you, But i do know that I'm done trying to be something that your not willing to at least put some effort into being one yourself"

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the second paragraph that S4il is saying is he is trying to give you words that you could say to her and i think that what he said is really good but i also think that u should just go up to her and tell her how you feel and if she is still being all weird then i guess you should just forget her.

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