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I may be gay, but I am very confused.

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Well, I am back. Sorry for my crazy frantic typing the last few posts. As well, thank you all for your great suggestions and help. I have, in the last few days started too see that infact, I am gay. I am comfortable with this and since coming to terms with this, I feel 1000x better. My anxiety has gone down quit a bit, I am feeling more comfortable in my own body for once which I never would have thought would happen. I am going to my doctor next week to get on some proper anxiety medication for those concerned with my mental health.


As well, just to help clarify some stuff. When I posted I liked incest, I like incest comic strips, a fetish. Normally stems from abuse in the past which it does in my case. I know its a simple fetish and nothing more. No need to sound alarm bells.


So once more, thank you guys & gals for giving me the help and support I despretly needed. You are the greatest people on the net.




Aaron M. Wilson

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Coming from someone who was molested by their cousin at a young age I understand that part. If you have not seen a therapist for it I would, helped me out a lot. As for your thoughts on being gay be happy you got someone gay who is bored and came accross this and wants to help. I would sit down and talk to her, you maybe 'bi' two of my friends actually were like you and your girlfriend. Dating, in love, but he was gay and she wasn't. He explained it to her one night and they cried together and you know what? She helped him out a lot and actually they are best friends to this day

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