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I like this girl and i mean i really like her..but im not quite shure if she likes me..i told her a while ago that i liked her and i was scared outta my god damn mind she be all freaked out by it but she wan't and she still talks to me...in fact she talks to me alot more now there where bak in school....i dunno if she likes me or if she just wants to be friends with me....she's told me she loves me a few times but i've got no clue how she telling me cuz it could mean nothing......i kindda think she likes me and i really hope she does....but i have so much doubt in my mind.....it seem to good to be true.....n e way wadda ya guys think.

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Im in the sitiation right now bro. I was talking to her on the phone one night and we got done talking. Then she texted me and said I love you. I was shocked but the timing was just weird it's not the first time she has told me that. You know what im talking about. When just out of the blue she text message you and said I love you. It was was weird I told her I love her to. I dont know if she means any thinga by it or not but just the timing was weird. At time I think she does. I hope so i gess.

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I think the word LOVE is a strong word, No doubt it has a lot of meaning behind it, It sounds to me like she's trying to let you know that she likes you, has a strong interest, loves your attention, your personality,etc...or even everything about you, and you telling her in the beginning that you liked her has now played in your favor more than what you had expected.


It was extremely brave of you to express yourself to her like you did, and i have to give you credit for doing so, take now the confidence you have received from this experience and continue to build off of it, use it as a foundation to be more Open/genuine/confident/compassionate in that order with other girls you will like in the future, But keep in mind sometimes you will get rejected but "Rejection is better than Regret" and remember that "Rewards come with Risks"


This is a gain for you, your in good shape my friend.. My advice to you is that you don't let this girl slip away, keep her guessing some more, But not to much, don't spill yourself out to her, play it cool, calm, and collective.."give a Little Take a Little" is what I'm trying to say.


You don't want to show to much, you have already shown great plenty by telling her how you felt. Your turn to play the role of the Mouse, let her become the cat, (short term) after you think it's been long enough, ask her out, as friend in the beginning, perhaps go out for lunch, Invite her over to watch a Movie, play truth or dare, or maybe miniature golf, go-karts etc...


What I'm aiming at is basically to get something in preparation before it's to late. *as friends*


Than... after a while of doing things under the justification of friends than it would be ok to ask her if you two can be b/f g/f meaning ask her if you and her can see each other more exclusively.

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