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i was wording to the gilrs do you masterbate.


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OK here we go:


In one recent national study, 95 percent of men and 89 percent of women reported having masturbated.

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Of the 13,000 women Redbook Online surveyed, 90 percent said they masturbate, 44 percent do it a few times a week, and like you, 34 percent pleasure themselves at work.

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It is generally assumed that most people begin masturbating when reaching adolescence. While few serious studies have been done on the matter, lots of informal surveys have asked the question. A 2004 survey by Toronto magazine NOW was answered by an unspecified number of thousands. [2] The results show that an overwhelming majority of the males – 81% – begun masturbating between the ages of 10 and 15. Among females, the same figure was a more modest majority of 55%. It is not uncommon however to begin much earlier, and this is more frequent among females: 18% had begun by the time they turned 10, and 6% already by the time they turned 6. Being the main outlet of child sexuality, masturbation has been observed in very young children. In the book Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, by Strong, Devault and Sayad, the authors point out, "A baby boy may laugh in his crib while playing with his erect penis (although he does not ejaculate). Baby girls sometimes move their bodies rhythmically, almost violently, appearing to experience orgasm."


Masturbating is often seen as an adolescent phenomenon, but few people stop altogether as they leave puberty. According to the Canadian survey cited above, it is however true that the frequency generally declines after the age of 17. The nature of this decline is more drastic among females, and more gradual among males. While females aged 13-17 masturbated almost once a day on average (and almost as often as their male peers), adult women only masturbated 8-9 times a month, compared to the men's 18-22. (It should be noted that the survey results do not include a demographic breakdown of the respondents, so it is uncertain how reliable these results are.) In part this is due to the fact that females are less likely to masturbate while in a sexual relationship than men. Both sexes occasionally engage in this activity, however, even when happily married.

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With guys that is nothing we talk about especially me.Because if u talk about that around ur friends and u have never had a gf and ur too ugly too get one kind of like me people call u a desperate loser.With guys on subjects like that is a lot harsher because some guys get pleasure out of making fellow males feel pathetic...I stay away from such subjects like that as much as i can because i have nothing to talk about when talkign about girls and stuff.because its like how has ur girl interactions been lately.I could always say "o im getting around to talking to one" which is somethign i have put off for like the last 5 years for one im too ugly and secondly i am shy/nervous too approach one.So for some of us guys that is no go zone.

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Shinobie, I hope you don't mind some tough love... but stuff it! LOL! You keep going on and on and on about how ugly you are, and you STILL haven't offered me any proof. Either prove it to me, or lay off the "ugly" talk! You know, it's a proven fact that if you believe you look good, other people will see it too! It's the same thing about your confidence, remember? You act confident, and girls start smiling at you and talking to you, right?


Now, back to the subject at hand. I think Shinobie is right that guys don't talk about this topic as much. I think girls talk about it because we are more open to talking about anything. Guys tend to put up a lot of walls, ESPECIALLY where their other guy friends are concerned. But girls appreciate having each other to go to and ask questions and get advice. And they can trust their friends to be sensitive to them. Well... I'm speaking from MY experiences, LOL! But that's the general sense I get.

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I used to think the way you do, saying to myself every morning, "ugh, alicia. Why do you look this way?' But that never got me far and now I look in the mirror and say, "Good morning beautiful.' And right after I'm finished getting ready I wink at myself and say, "you're sexy!"


Yes, it is lame. But...I feel better about myself. You should try it. I'm not to where I'm all wrapped up in myself, by no means, but I do feel better about myself.



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I don't care much for the way I look. I don't feel that I'm attractive by any means. But I don't let that become an issue for me. Not to the point where I have ever convinced myself that I'm too ugly to be in a relationship. I judge myself based on my personality and my efforts to live my life in the best way that i know how, because that is what is really important in life. And because I haven't let my looks (or lack thereof) affect my pursuit of a relationship, I am now with an amazingly wonderful and incredibly attractive man who loves me for exactly who I am.


Sorry, that's off topic. But I felt that I owe Shinobie a little encouragement after jumping on him. Sorry hun!

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Nah trust me padreamer ur actually pretty attractive and just think that!Any guys that want to call u bad looking r just shallow and very inconsiderate and dont know what pretty looks like.Like this one girl at school that gets no guys is just such a pretty girl yet no guys go for her its weird.Some people have told me to get a haircut because like my bangs r over my eyes clear down to the tip of my nose cause they say people should see my face more.I have like the same exact hair as the lead singer from switchfoot.That whole long thin hair that curves at the end and stuff its like exactly the same as his if u guys have seen the video "dare you to move" only my hair is brown instead of blonde although i was born a natural blonde.Do u girls dislike guys with semi long hair like covering our eyes and stuff?


P.S. Np Padreamer i know you are just trying to help me.

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I hope you dont mind me saying, but, get over yourself!! Please.

Or figure out what you think of yourself. One board; "I know heaps of girls who are interested in me!" Another board; "I am an ugly loser!" Please, Mr. Ihavenevereventouchedagirlshandbefore, realise that you're starting to get a reputation, and its a bad one. XD


Guys with medium-length curly hair are hot, but any other hair type just looks feral. My advice is to invest in a good haircut.


Ahem. Anyway.


I don't masturbate. Thats just weird. If I ever did do it, it'd make me feel that I was desperate and couldn't even get someone to do the real thing with me. And.. I dunno, its just weird.

Just for the record, yes people, I do have a sex drive. XD

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"That's just weird"


You know, I am actually pretty intrigued by that comment. I've heard people call it gross, and desperate... But I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it's weird. I don't know... I suppose to me, it's been a really great way to learn more about my body. It's actually even helped me a bit with the form of birth control I use... Weird? I dunno... *shrug* LOL! I really am intrigued by that!

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Ya i dont want that i have bee trying to give advice to some people and be nice and stuff to fellow people on this board.No no my hair is not really curly at all its just straight all the way down and at like the ends it like curls around for some reason since its getting too long.Ive been doing more posts lately that r giving advice but stuipid bouts of depression ike to pop out and stuff so ill try to kee it too the advice and stuff.

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PAdreamer is right, masturbation is a great way to find out about your body. But of course its everyone's choice whether they do it or not, some girls just dont like it I spose!


I for one love it! Although, I'm pleased to say my boyfriend makes me feel much better when I come than i do.

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Lol, well, thats how I find the thought of it -- weird.

Not that I have anything against people who do it (I think I watched a few too many "masturbation is good for you!" videos in Health class when I was little x_x), I just wouldn't want to do it myself, thats all i'm saying. =P


Sorry Shinobie, BTW. I realise what I said before was a bit harsh. o.o;

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Ya np when depression gets a hold of me i act like a total moron girls are good at knowing whne us guys like ur friends or attracted to them or something.Cause i just asked her asimple question saying is her friend that applied maybe gonna be able to get a job there just asking a regular question.Then she said her name which i didnt notice that it was her bf's sister the last name that is.So i come back out and ask her "o is that ur bf's sister" then she said ya.Then after that she said o u like her huh and then me being typically my shy self i try to cover it up by saying no but i let it out too nervously so she knows definitely lol but o well.That was the same girl from the night before that kept on looking at me the whole night.Just one question that outlaw made he said he feels that girls r just looking at him all the time when they do cause he thinsk he weird or something.Does it usually always mean that they like u if they keep looking at u or can it be what outlaw is saying cause i wasnt thinking negatively about it but now he has me doing that.But o well im still thinkin good about hwo she kept looking at me for those 4 hours.

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