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i like this guy that i work with, we've been friends for a year now but never hung out by ourselves until recently. He knows that i like him and i finally got the courage to ask him if he liked me, he gets all red and sayd he's not answeing that ?. So i left it alone. The next day he calls me and we talk for an hour. The next day i ask him to come out to my place for the first time. He says maybe, around 1:30 A.M. i decide he's not coming. around 2:30a.m. i get a phone call asking directions to the place, he gets lost and drives around for an hour , he stays at my place until 6a.m. Well nothing happened, we just talked but he is always being caught staring at me when i'm not looking. I'm confused because guys don't normally search for you at 2:30 a.m. and they normally give you a yes/no answer when you ask them if they like you. I know that we have started to hug but when i asked him if i could kiss him he asked why and then said no, So confusing/don't know what to do.

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I think he is interested but there is something behind the scenes that you arent seeing or know about. Possibly he is super shy, but its hard to tell. Quite possibly there is another woman in the picture. Maybe he left her place then came to yours? I know thats harsh, but things just arent adding up. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open.

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If you catch him staring at you when your not looking he is extremely interested in you, I would almost say he is shy if it wasn't for the fact he came over at 1:30 or said he would be over at 1:30 am seems like a strange time for him to come over. If I were you I would try to set some thing up Friday or Saturday night early in the evening and see if he is busy a lot.

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