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how much of an age difference is too much?

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I am a junior in highschool and I was wondering if me dating a freshman would be bad in any way. I see tons of guys my age and older going out with freshman, but then again they aren't exactly role model material so I don't know. If a few other people could tell me their opinions that would be great.



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At my school people do it all the time. There's nothing wrong with it that I can see, as long as you both like eachother! Alot of my friends are going out with guys in yr 12, but then again, there are only about 200 kids in my school and lets just say there arent many guys around our age who know the meaning of mature yet. XD


The only time that it becomes an issue is when, say, a 24 yr old goes out with a 14 year old, which is happening at my school, and everyones a bit.. err, about it. Like, what does a guy want with a girl almost half his age?? But a 9th grader going out with an 11th grader is fine, I think.


Things might be different in America, though.

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Yeah man, 2 years is nothing. Now if you were like 15 and they were 11 or 12 it may seem odd, but once you're both in HS it doesn't really matter. Unless you're a junior in college I wouldn't see a prob. After all, my mom was 15 when she dated by father (19 at the time) and they've been together for 30 years now.

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SOrry but people outside of America (including myself) don't know what a freshman or a junior is!! We don't use those terms...could you please explain them so we can help with some advise!!! Thanks


haha yes, us canadians dont know what the hell you're talking about. anyway, i don't think 2 years is bad at all. At my school it happens all the time. Moslty younger girls with older guys. Maybe because girls mature quicker then guys or w.e. I am with a girl 2 years younger with me, because I really like her and when I'm with her I don't think about how old we are.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I see 9th graders with 11th graders all the time. Mostly older guys younger girls. But sometimes the other way around. I am 14 and have been with a 24 year old and 22 year old. But our maturity levels were the same...don't rag on me.




It's not you I want to rag on, it's the two ADULT men who were with a 14-year-old. Someone should've called the cops.

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Well...that never had to be done. The 22 year old and me never did anything, not even kiss. We just hung out. The 24 year old, used me as his little sex toy over and over. I was dumb enough to keep giving in, and letting him have it. Finally I realized it and broke it off. Of course he was sweet, when he wanted 'some' but that's the only time. I was dumb then. But no need to call the cops....



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I was just wondering, when you were with the 22 year old guy, what did you have in common that attracted you to him. For me, I couldn't imagine going out with a 14 year old girl (I am 21)...like what would we have in common?? It would be stupid. SO what exactly did you two see in each other?


"The 22 year old and me never did anything, not even kiss. We just hung out"

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Well I don't think there was a point in us being together. We were just friends for a long time. He told me that I was beautiful, there was many times he wanted to kiss me but thought it was wrong...so on. We got together, I went down to his house...we watched some tv, talked about memories...went to the movies. I guess it's different, from being in the relationship and being on the outside of it. He wasn't anything big, the 24 year old was.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's okay, so long as the freshman's parents approve of the relationship... remember,freshmans are young and still getting used to being a teenager, where you have been one longer and may be more mature (no offence to freshmans, was one myself once).... Being a Senior in my highschool I have seen alot of upsetting Freshman/11th grade relationships go down the drain in a real rough way.. but have seen some be successful... Good luck and remember, make sure it's okay with her parents too.

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