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Hey guys, I'v been visiting this forum for a while now. Ever since my ex and I broke up..... Its really been alot of help for me.... It helped me to see that there is so much more to life than one relationship, and I will find love again.


So here is my question.... My ex and I have been broken up for about 6 month now... we first tried to be "best friends". basically bf/gf without the title for about 3 month after we broke up.... but I was just going through too much pain for that to happen. I basically called it off 3 month ago, and have not talked to her since...


Last week my ex came over to drop off alot of the stuff I had at her house, since we are both heading to college she thought it would be nice to give eachother's stuff back.... seeing her truly brought all the memory's back into my head.... Now i am really confused about everything.... I really dont know if i miss her or just the memories we have shared together.... I want some kind of closure....


Since she is going to my school next year I thought it would be nice if I wrote her a letter about all the things that went on and how i truly feel.... not to get back with her but just to tell her that I am no longer angry to bitter.... i wish nothing but the best for her. and thx her for the times we have shared.


Do you guys thing it is a good idea to do so? give me the pros and cons.... thx alot

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Dear Choncy,


I know it's been along time since we have spoken. I am sorry for not returning your calls; I really needed the time to heal myself. I hope you understand. And I think I have. I know now that I only miss the memories we have had, instead of missing you. I don't say that to be mean, but after assessing the situation from every angle I know that it would have not worked. And I am fine with that. I know that I had cold or bitter feelings towards you. But the longer I thought about it, the more I felt at peace with the whole break up. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I guess what really bothered me was how easily you got over me. The fact that I was going through hell, and you seemed ok. But hey we all deal with loss in different ways right? I must admit when I first saw you and Johnny holding hands, I felt weak to the knees. Now I am a lot more content with it, I am glade that you found someone that makes you happy, in ways I could never have. He's a great guy, I have nothing but the best wishes for you two.

There are some things that I wanted you to know. I appreciate everything you have done for me. All the sweet things you said, all the late night conversations that made me grow. I can honestly say that I cannot be the person I am today without you. And for that I am forever grateful. Even the pain I felt, was good for me. It made me grow into a stronger and more knowledgeable person. I seriously would not trade everything that's happened for anything. I have no regrets or bad feelings for the past. I also want you to know that when I said I loved you, I meant it. I know that you had trouble believing me because of your insecurities and the fact that you did not love yourself. But just know that you were the first person I had ever loved, and I will always have a special place in my heart for the times we shared.



what do you guys think?

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I wrote my ex-boyfriend, the verbablly abusive one, a letter. Somehow it is similar to yours. I was having trouble mailing it to him, but I still did. Honestly writing a letter to an ex might be a bad idea, but its a good thing in a way to make them realized that we are not kidding around about love. Also I cannot guarantee the person who wrote the letter will have closure because I'm having a difficult time moving on. Also your letter was great...

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