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Really worried, 99% sure not pregnant though (PLS READ)


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Well I had sex with this girl about a week ago and everything since then has been fine. When we had sex she quickly pulled off my pants and I went inside her for like 20 seconds without a condom. Then I quickly stopped and put on a condom. I wasn't too worried about pre-cum because we just randomly had sex. I didn't have time to get excited and have pre-cum release. Normally it takes me about 5 minutes to get really horny and have pre-cum release. As of today, she is expecting her period to come in about a week and a half. Last night she told me that she had some minor pains in her abdomen and it hurt to walk, stand, talk, etc. She hasn't had any other symptoms other than that, which seemed very odd.


Today she felt fine an the pain that she encountered last night went away in a few hours apparently. She came over to my house and we had sex today and she experienced a huge pain the moment that I went inside her.


She didn't tell me that the pain was continuous so we continued to have sex and finally we stopped about 5 minutes later. She couldn't even stand or talk or anything.. she was on the verge of tears. She was in so much pain that as soon as she got home she threw up.


I just got off the phone with her and she's feeling much better, but it still hurts a lot to move and such. She told me previously about a symptom of the fetus developing in the vagina which causes pain during sex.. however we both thought that was very unlikely considering that a fetus can't grow to become that painful in a week.


Nevertheless, I'm just worried about her. You don't think that she could be pregnant do you? I don't think so, but I just wanted to hear some other opinions.


We're going to go to planned parenthood tomorrow if her symptoms are still there.

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Well I first assumed that perhaps the angle was too sharp or something, and that's what caused the pain. I mean that's the only logical thing I could think of, and that may well be the case. However, she said that it hurt as soon as I went in and I always go in at that angle and we tried other various angles. Maybe she did something to herself last night? I don't know..


I just want to be sure that she isn't pregnant. That wouldn't be good and I think the chances of that are really really slim, minuscule.

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Well....a fetus can NOT develop in the vagina - they can attach in the fallopian tube (eptopic pregnancy) or she could have endiometrosis which is painful especially during sex. The vagina is hostile enough to sperm, never mind to an embryo/egg trying to attach somewhere, it would just wash out with her natural fluids.


If she is about 10 days from her period, she would of ovulated around 4 days ago (assuming she is really regular). If you had sex a week ago it IS possible that she could get pregnant from that as sperm can live a few days in the women.


However, at 4 days past ovulation, it is unlikely she would be having symptoms like that - it usually takes a few days to weeks more to have any signs. The cramping COULD be ovulatory cramping (which happens to some women).


If she misses her period, take a test, than another a couple days later.


And....always wear a condom - even "just for a second" can lead to a life changing event.

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Well for starters, the pain that she might feel from implantation wouldn't even occur for several days afterwards, even up to 2 weeks. Pain and sometimes some bleeding may occur somewhere around 8 to 10 days after she ovulates, so it really can take up to 2 weeks to feel any pain at all.


If it's hurting her to have sex then either you guys tore something or damaged the walls of the vagina, or she actually may have an STD. It's normal for it to hurt the first couple of times, especially if she's adjusting to your size, but she should get used to it.


Also, there's a difference in just 'sex pain', and actual pain, like right up there. If the pain is more severe and she's noticing other things, I would be careful and make sure that she doesn't have any STD's.

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