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Cute guy I see every day...


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On my way to college every morning I go to this shop nearby to get my lunch, I have been doing this for the past year now and recently well since last Friday there has been this new guy working there. I always pay on those self check out machines and there is always someone there to help if you get stuck and this particular guy is the one who is there to help out. I suppose he notices me as I come in every morning because he always comes up to me smiling, he looks like he is half Puerto Rican and half Filipino, kind of looks similar to Bruno Mars except he's older. At first I didn't think he was my type, but now I have seen him quite a few times I think he's pretty cute with his exotic looks and his smile and his big brown eyes. The conversation always starts with him saying hello and asking me how I am to which I always tell him that I am fine and ask him how he is to which he replies with the same response and then the conversation ends until I'm about to leave and he says have a great day and to take care.


I have thought this through because I have a habit of over thinking things, but I have come to a conclusion which is maybe he is just being polite it is in his job description. Then again he doesn't have to stand there and have a conversation with me. I've seen other staff that work there every day and they haven't come up and had a conversation with me. I kind of wish the conversations would last longer, but I'm so socially awkward which makes it worse when I look into his pretty eyes and get all embarrassed and self conscious that I have to look away. Anyway, do you think this guy is being friendly and that there is nothing else to it and that I should just forget the whole thing or do you think that maybe he may be interested?. I wouldn't usually care about this kind of thing, but he brightens my day and puts a smile on my face just by talking to me.


P.S: If you think he may be interested, do you have any tips on how I can overcome my social awkwardness?


Thanks guys

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