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why do i love him so much?

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He cheated on his 1st wife by having a year of NSA casual sex with a girl he was in college with. She was also married. She became pregant and paternity proved he was the father. He and his wife divorced over this. That was 7 years ago.


6 months after his divorce, he met someone at work. They had sex the first week. He got her pregnant within 3 months of their relationship. He married her when she was 6 months pregnant. They divorced when their child turned 2 because she left him for someone else. She is still with the guy and it's been over 3 years since the divorce. The exW is now pregant with her boyfriends child, and despite it being 3.5 years since the divorce, my boyfriend seems very jealous. He makes jabs about her boyfriend behind her back, when it reality, her boyfriend is great to their son and is a really nice guy. Get over it already.


His house is the size of a cracker jack box. Which is fine and all, but on top of having two boys to raise in this house (he has 50/50), he has 3 massive dogs, too. He claims to love the dogs, but he is always yelling at them to GO downstairs because there isn't enough room for them on the main level. They get sad looks and go downstairs. And if they don't hurry, he acts like he is going to hit them with a broom. He never has hit them and never will, but the act of intimidation pisses me off. He walks them occasionally and buys them good treats, but show them some love!!


Everything is alwasy my fault. It's my fault that I'm jealous over how much he and his ExW talk and text like they are bff's. It's my fault when he doesn't text me, becasue I'm being too needy, while he is just "laid back". every thing was my fault.


We broke up and I told him I think he is a terrible parent for the favortism he shows one child and the non stop criticism he gives his other child. And now I'm the bad person. The crazy one. He knows it's true, because he admitted once it's because he takes out his frustrations with his no favored child's mother, on the child. Yet, how Dare I point it out. And now, it's over. But I still miss him and remember the nice times from our first few dates, the first kiss, etc.

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The question you pose is actually a really good one to think about. Why do you love someone like this? Do you feel unworthy of someone who will treat women, children and his pets well? Have you dated guys like this before? Do you think you can avoid it in the future?


No one here can answer that for you, but maybe you can start to get your own insight over time.

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The question you pose is actually a really good one to think about. Why do you love someone like this? Do you feel unworthy of someone who will treat women, children and his pets well? Have you dated guys like this before? Do you think you can avoid it in the future?


No one here can answer that for you, but maybe you can start to get your own insight over time.


actually, it stings me because I wonder why someone who has so much emotional baggage doesn't like me. And why he didn't care about me. I can't help but wonder.... Am I that bad?

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actually, it stings me because I wonder why someone who has so much emotional baggage doesn't like me. And why he didn't care about me. I can't help but wonder.... Am I that bad?

You've got that inverted. People with lots of emotional baggage and screwed up priorities tend to be very poor in evaluating other people. You could be absolutely wonderful, and if he's screwed up enough, he'd never be able to tell.


I think you should read Bulletproof's question again and ask it of yourself seriously, however. If you get involved with someone who has serious emotional problems, it's a good time to ask yourself why you selected them in the first place. It's a common syndrome to be attracted to harmful personalities without realizing it. Usually it's because someone very important in your life (i.e. your father) was like that, and make an unconscious association between "screwed up in this particular way" and "someone I love." The most common variant is seeking out emotionally unavailable men because they remind you of your father.

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