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Please help me.

I have signed up to volunteer with a youth group each week. I did this because I want to volunteer, plus I want to get to know the lord better. It is at my college and so about 15 other students my age will be doing it, and I don't know anyone. The thing is is that I am scared to do this because I don't know that much about the bible, but I want to learn! Is that being selfish since I want to volunteer but at the same time I hope to get something out of it too? I am also afraid of getting looked down upon from the other students who are more experienced with youth groups. I always wanted to participate in them when I was a kid, but my family did not attend church. I am just starting to attend church regularly and to get to know the lord. Should I still volunteer or should I let someone who is more experienced with the Lord take my place? Please help.

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There is no reason why you shouldn't volunteer since your motives appear to be pure, and you want to get to know the Lord better. God sees us all as equals, and the fact that you are giving your true effort for Him is what makes the difference. Do not be shy about it -- your fellow students will help disciple you and help you learn more about God and the Word. Do you have another girl in your group that could be your accountability/discipleship partner? I would suggest looking for that first and establishing that relationship with another fellow Christian in your group (always do same-sex discipleship partners for obvious reasons).

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