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Please Help- In a bind, can never make up my mind!!!!!

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Okay, please respond a.s.a.p. I really could use you help!

A couple weeks ago I found my boyfriend cheating on me, this forum really helped me out. Well, I stayed with him and we are working things out. I am away at college and I am trying to do more things on my own and find myself. WEll, I called on this volunteer opportunity and they called me back today! It sounds REALLY interesting and I want to do it. This weekend they have a retreat for all of the volunteer leaders and it is a weekend event. I really want to do this because I think that it would be GREAT for me!! A chance to make new friends and actually do something for myself for once! The thing is is that this Saturday I told an old friend from high school that I would go to her wedding! I rarely ever talk to her and I was basically invited just bc her fiance's family is good friends with my boyfriend's family. I told my boyfriend this and he said that I should do what I want to do, but I can NEVER make up my mind! I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but at the same time I am hurting myself for not participating. Please help me make the right decision, should I go to the wedding or have a weekend of fun without anyone I know (which is really brave for me!!!) Please reply if you read this, THANKS!

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lol sorry. Umm... I guess if your bf does not want you to go to the wedding than he is not a vey good bf at all. You should go to your friends wedding. A wedding this big only comes once. And why would you miss it? If you loose your bf its because there is something better out there. And you will get it. I hope I helped now, take care

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okay Gauchori, I REALLY appreciate you trying to help me out...but that was not AT ALL what this post is about!!!! here I will make it smpler for you...I never do anything on my own

This weekend I have a volunteer retreat camp that I was asked to go too...a once in a lifetime deal

I also have a wedding to go too for an old high school friend

I want to go to the retreat

I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings

My bf told me to do what I feel I should do

I cannot make up my mind even though I want to go to this retreat

Please help

Is this better???

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OK. You said that the retreat lasts all weekend and that your friend's wedding is this weekend. Let's see, I would say go to the wedding onlyif you are good friends with this person. If it's just a friend of your bf's, then why go? There is no reason to go if this person is just an aquaintance you know through your b/f. You might disappoint your b/f, but hey...he's done that already to you big time!


As far as the retreat, if you decide to go to the wedding, call the volunteer place and explain to them the situation, I'm sure that they''ll have another retreat sometime for new volunteers. I doubt it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Oh ya thats awesome.... He cheated on you so you take him back, thats just great, he must really love you considering he went behind your back, lied to you, and enjoyed time with a girl besides yourself. He sounds like a STELLAR GUY!! Hopefully you'll meet someone when you go on the retreat, someone NOT like your cheating bf.

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