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Break up with girl I live with


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I live with my girlfriend of about 1.5 years, but I think it's time we break up. I am a veterinary student and I believe this relationship is a huge factor in why I almost failed out of my first semester. After repeated talks about the things about our relationship that bring me down, she hasn't made an attempt to change her ways in the slightest. She is a great girl, but she is needy, clingy, and has zero motivation to do anything but sleep on the couch when I am not around. Honestly, I worry a lot about her when I am not with her (she is probably depressed, although she says she is not and will not see anyone when I suggest it), and this is a HUGE distraction to my studies. I am afraid that I will fail out of school if we stay together.


A few questions about how/where to go from here. If you have broken up with your significant other that you also lived with in your past, I would love to hear from you.


1. Should I wait until my next break (May)? Is this going to take even more time away from my studying? Or, will breaking up now and trying to move in the middle of the semester be a better option than sticking around and trying to overcome the distraction of our relationship?


2. What are some things I should know about breaking up with a girlfriend I live with? Should I find a different place first? I know she will not move fast on finding a new place. I am willing to try to cover the costs of breaking the lease...my biggest worry is being too distracted by this ordeal and wasting thousands of tuition loan dollars and my dream of being a veterinarian in the meantime.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I was in college and living with my bf when I decided to break up with him. Luckily, we were living in my brother’s condo and splitting the cost, so, naturally, he was the one that had to move. However, the furniture was all his, so once he moved out, I knew I would have an empty condo. This did not keep me from doing it though, especially since the relationship was affecting my studies as well. I was paying for my own tuition and fees, so I was not about to let a guy ruin my goals. I put an ad for a roommate on craigslist and slowly collected furniture from friends that didn’t want it anymore. My point is, if you feel it’s the right thing to do and in your best interest, you should not wait. The cost of moving now in order to save your studies is nothing compared to the total vet school bill – you can afford it. What you can’t afford is to fail your next semester. Good luck!

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