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My Gf Seems To Think Shes Still Single....

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ok, i have been going out with my girlfriend for three months, were both in high school and i'm not ashamed to say that i'm worried about other guys trying to be with her, despite the fact that they know i'm here and would destroy them. She is honestly the most beautiful girl i have ever met and i love her, but lately she's been acting like shes still single on some occasions, like she tells me today that she was thinking about going to a guys strip poker party....she tells ME this like i'm not supposed to be mad, and she keeps telling me that she has cute guys in her other classes and it drives me insane!! what is that supposed to mean? i dont want to break up with her over this but i dont know what to do...ive told her as calmly as possible that i think she shouldnt be doing this and she seems to understand for the moment...but then she does this crap and i'm tearing my hair out over it.


thanks for reading it if you did and i'd greatly appreciate any advice you guys have to offer

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I can really understand how that makes you feel. I hate to say it but in my last relationship I was guilty of what your gf is doing. I always told my bf at the time that there were all these guys that liked me and that drove him crazy. But the reason why I did it was b/c I wanted to let him know that I was a wanted woman and I wanted him to appreciate that. I was trying to make him hold on to me. But then I later realized that it was just driving him away. That's not why we broke up. I stopped doing it then things were fine. Anyway, I was just telling you that b/c it could be the reason she does it. Or you may be right. I know I'm not too much older than you but you are young. Maybe both of you should experiment. Being tied down so young when there are so many temptations and so much life to live can lead to a lot of heart ache. I've learned that myself. I was the 1st girl my ex bf had ever been with and we stayed together for a year and 9 months. Then he realized I wasn't the one. It tore my heart out. If you love her, then love her. I'm not telling you to break up with her. I'm just telling you what I've experienced so you'll know what COULD be in the future. Good luck with everything. If you ever need to talk, PM me.

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Maybe what she is trying 2 say is that its over but doesnt have the guts to say it 2 u..........or it could also mean that she is playing with ur mind.....like head games and stuff..........ive had that happen lots of times.......and yes it is aggravating and drives me insane 2...........but the best thing 2 do is act like u dont care.........but if it gets out of hand..........then u no what u have 2 do................




hope this helps some

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1) Don't react emotionally other than to explain that certain things are not appropriate (who wants to date a girl who has ever been to a strip poker game?). If she goes anyway, dump her


2) Make plans with other women


3) Prepare for her to cheat on you or that she is an attention seeker and will be running you through an emotional roller coaster. Step back, shut the test down and don't fall for it (bust her out, but mostly just don't care).

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