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Do I Pass On Meeting With The Ex?

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During the summer, I met and dated an amazing girl for about a month and a half. We spent time together every day and I had some of the most memorable dates of my life with her. It all happened so fast, but she made me feel so alive again after going through tough times in my life. I told her about all my career dreams and she was very supportive during my endeavors. We ended up going our separate ways after a fight we had that we never resolved. I was able to walk away easily since it was a short relationship time-wise. It had been two months since we last talked, but I still thought of her often and found myself missing her.


Since then, I had focused all my attention on my career change that worked out well for me. I will be moving accross the country within a month. I was so happy that I e-mailed her and told her about it. When I sent it, I felt really dumb for doing so - I figured that she could have cared less. But she responded immediately and sent some very nice regards telling me she was very happy for me. She also asked when I would be moving - she knew about that part. I responded and said I would be leaving within a month. I also said it would be nice to see her again before I left. She responded again immediately and agreed. This was nearly two weeks ago and I haven't made official plans with her. She e-mailed me today and asked for Wednesday or Thursday.


I have so many mixed feelings about meeting with her. My dilemma is that half of me wants to see her and tell her how much I still think of her and how much I miss her. In my heart I know I fell in love with her even after the short time we were together. I want her to know that she turned my life around and made me believe in myself again. I would love to have her back in my life and pick up where we left off. I know if I see her face, I will be hers again.


The other half of me feels I should just not meet with her and save myself the embarrassment of being rejected. However, I already asked and she has agreed and even set a day. I don't even know her situation or if she's with someone else.


So I'm asking ... should I meet with her and tell her how I feel? I never had the chance to tell her what she meant to me. I feel like I have nothing to lose since I'm moving away. Also, I've been wondering why she would agree to see me with persistance. If she was dating someone, would she still have agreed? I don't want to continue stringing her along by not responding, but I don't want to make a mistake by letting her know how I feel if it won't mean anything to her.


Thanks for the advice and comments in advance.

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Why not?


You're moving soon so the chances of having a relationship with this woman are low anyway. As long as you feel you can emotionally handle seeing her, then I say... take a chance man. Using the 'no contact' approach works for those of us in the same cities as our ex's, but since in all likelihood, you may never see her again, then enjoy the time you have, and there's nothing wrong with telling her that she had a positive impact on your life and thanking her for the memories.


Good luck.

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This is so similar to my situation...My advice is to see her. You know that you will be devastated if you don't. But I will say to use extreme caution when you do meet. You will feel like the two of you are in a surreal time warp, I assure you. Everyhting will appear normal. You will laugh, cry and share many things, but when the mroning comes, you will feel awkward. You are lucky in some ways since you are moving, but whatever the case this will not be easy on either of you. It's been 2 weeks since I've seen my ex and I received a heartwrenching email yesterday from him telling me that it is just too hard for him to see me anymore. Anyway, to make a long story short, it will not ease your mind or emotions, it will further complicate things. But let's be honest, most of us would see the other person...Good luck!



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