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Boyfriend Material vs Friends


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I don't mean to take this in another direction but when it comes to kissing from a women's point of view, does the type of kiss mean something.

For example a kiss on the cheek, kiss on the lips or french kiss. I'm just asking because a crush kissed me and it was a french kiss. I was not expecting that.


Kiss on the cheek: Just friends

Kiss on the lips: She likes you.

French kiss: She really likes you and she's very attracted to you!


Lucky you! Not everyone gets kissed by their crush!

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While I agree with many posters here about chemistry and it being something that cannot be created, I believe that if a girl agrees to meet you one-on-one outside any work-related areas, if she agrees to spend a day of the weekend with you, she DEFINITELY feels something for you. But at that stage she is unsure (am sure you would be too), but its (sadly) up to the guy to show her that he is boyfriend material. If she agrees to meet you again, then definitely you must keep up the flow and believe that she liked you for what you were (assuming you were genuine on the first date) and it gets easier from there. Just give her the confidence that you are dependable and you care for her. Make her feel special and mean it. After all, that is what every girl wants in this world.


The most important thing is, do not try to be something you are NOT, during the wooing period because if you do, then the relationship is bound to fall apart sooner or later because she fell for someone who is not actually you, but someone whom you portrayed yourself to be. What I have seen from many threads here is that girls like genuine guys who are confident and know what they want in life.


Hang in there, work on yourself and you'll find someone soon, least when you expect it.

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Honestly, Dougie, sometimes I think attraction for me can build over MONTHS. I just must be a weird girl, lol. It's like all of a sudden I see my friend in a different light one day..


You are not weird at all. I do believe that such kind of attraction which is built over months could lead to a longer lasting relationships than an instantaneous fling.

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Do women really VALUE a kiss? I know women and men that have told me that kissing wasn't really a big deal. Plus, I've seen this happen before: There is a KISS on the first date and then the second date the guy goes for another kiss but she backs off. That's NOT cool at all.


Though I am a guy, I have heard my girlfriends tell me how important a kiss is for them. Many girls enjoy kisses so much that they wont mind kissing for even 30 minutes or more. If she gave in to the first kiss but backed off from the second, either she is tooooo shy to admit that she likes you, or she is JUST NOT interested in you. She tested the waters with the first kiss, realized that she doesn't feel "IT" and friend zones you for ever. It would be better to leave it at that rather than trying to push your way through, that is of course if she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary and initiates the physical contact the next time, into something deeper, probably a deep kiss?

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