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I think you know you love someone when it hurts so much. You hurt so much to know that they could be gone in an instant and that the feeling may fade. I'm not saying love hurts or that I am against love, I just think that when you are in love...there's this....feeling of hurt. I know that I am making no sense...it may be best just to ignore my ramblings. Personally, I think you know when your in love and that there many different forms of love. Its not just an emotion, its a lifestyle that fills your bones and runs the course of your blood.

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Love, yes, interesting question... im not sure really, i guess it's more of a feeling that can't be described... something that you know deep within yourself. That being said i do believe that for different people love can be felt at different levels.


I guess i know it's love, when that thought of you ever being alone or loosing your partner is painful. Also when you care for that person and still REALLY like them even after you see all there faults.


people often confuse love with Infactualtion. Infactuation is where you think that person is like a god(ess) or you really lust after them. Love is different, love is more of a complanionship.


well, thats what i think...

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think of it as this way

you think and know with your mind(brain)

you feel with your feeling (heart)

love is a feeling that only you will know when it comes

and cuz love is a feeling. you feel with your heart and not your head

thats why it seem like what ever you read or hear about love. are not the some as each other cuz peaple are telling what there thoughts are

and thought are from your mind(brian)

so you can say love is wordless

no one can tell you what it is

and if people tell you that if you miss some one, thats how you know you love them.

1 it would be too late

2 love and missing are not the some(you can miss some one cuz there there all the time, don't mean you love them, your just use to them)


hope you understand

thanks for reading

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Love is the greatest thing and the worst thing at the same time. Its the greatest feeling in the world and at the same time its the most painful thing immagineable. It hurts to be away from who you are in love with just for a while. It makes you give up all logic and reason for their well-being, giving up everything, even your own life just so you dont have to spend a day alive without them.. or something like that. lol

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