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wHy wOnt hE kIsS mE?

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Well maybe its like you said, he never kissed a girl before and is a little afraid. I'm just a little confused because you guys dated for 3 months and still didn't kiss. Well that's a long time so anyways. I think you should take matters in your own hands and kiss him when you feel the time is right. Just go for it and see how he reacts. Hope I helped.

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As far as being with a guy for an extended amt of time and not yet kissing, I dont find it weird at all. I was with a guy for like over a year and we never kissed, although during this time we were also best friends, but the first time we did kiss, I kissed him and once we did kiss, our relationship became more and more physical, but anyway, I asked him why he never had kissed me before and he told me he had wanted to for a long long time but he was just scared and he had never kissed a girl before, so my advice is to take it slow, hug him , then kiss his cheek, and get closer and closer to his mouth, ya know "work your way in" and then kiss him full on the mouth, I would suggest no tongue the first time though, Work into that too. I hope this helps.

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I have one bit of advice...STop WrItiNG LIke a MoROn!! That is so annoying!!!

Secondly...you are nervous because you are not ready. Period. No other reason for it. You are not ready and you are nervous because you think that kissing is something that boyfriends and girlfriends HAVE to do and if you don't do it he won't like you and if he don't like you then he'll tell all the other eighth graders that you don't make out with your boyfriends and are a bad girlfriend!!! OMG!! NO!! NOT THAT!!!

Here's an idea your 25 year old mom probably never thought of...WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE READY!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KISS OR HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE!!! IT'S ALL YOUR OWN CHOICE!!!! If you rush it, you're gonna regret it. Trust me...

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I agree, you dont have to rush anything, until you are compleetly ready take it slow. And if he is a good boyfriend he will understand and respect your feelings. But if you are ready, trust yourself and your boyfriend. If you dont get it right the first time dont worry about it, it is not the end of the world. The first time is always scary, you just have to be ready and you gotta trust yourself. Have fun

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I have one bit of advice...STop WrItiNG LIke a MoROn!! That is so annoying!!!

Secondly...you are nervous because you are not ready. Period. No other reason for it. You are not ready and you are nervous because you think that kissing is something that boyfriends and girlfriends HAVE to do and if you don't do it he won't like you and if he don't like you then he'll tell all the other eighth graders that you don't make out with your boyfriends and are a bad girlfriend!!! OMG!! NO!! NOT THAT!!!

Here's an idea your 25 year old mom probably never thought of...WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE READY!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KISS OR HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE!!! IT'S ALL YOUR OWN CHOICE!!!! If you rush it, you're gonna regret it. Trust me...



If u aint Got nothin nice ta sey don respond. *beep*! U want me ta stop bein a moron? hey heres a idea STOP BEIN A *beep*!

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Hi peeps,


I would like to express my worry over how people are treating each other on the forums lately. These forums have been created for giving help and advice. Throwing mud towards each other is not really helpful. It doesn't add anything to all your questions and problems. It only creates more frustration.


This board has been setup to help people in their life. Wether it is careerwise or with a problem in a relationship. Both for young and old. The past five months this forum has grown rapidly and the growth of this board is increasing exponential. It shows that people do have question and it shows that there's people out there that care.


Lady-Jennifer: I think that Rob tried to explain to you that you should get involved in anything you want to get involved in, whenever YOU are ready for it. I underwrite that statement. If you are not ready, it might be better to wait.


Rob: I hope that you will start to post in a more sensitive way. From what I understand is that you're a 27yr old police officer. Please let the best come out of you and let personal frustration not allow you to bring people down, call people names and use swear words left and right.


I hope this clarifies all. I would like to focus myself on what I like to do on here: giving people sound advice and help them finding their way in life. Moderating posts is something I have chosen for, but with your help I'll be able to spend more time on actually replying to messages, than moderating your comments.


I thank all for your attention and your help. I wish you good luck in your lives and your future.


~ SwingFox ~

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