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yeah i have a major problemo...


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There is this girl in my grade, same age, but we are like in diff. social groups. Im just one of the misc. people walking around school each day. She is a cheerleader, and a prep. Its weird, she really doesen't seem like the outgoing type of normal prep or cheerleader. She is actually kinda shy, but im pretty shy too. Its not like we havent talked ever, she used to sit b/side me in english class. I wouldent say that i am the most cute guy in the school. She is always around her preppy, loud, sarcastic friends, i really am kinda intimidated by their prescence. Normally I would talk to her on the internet, but she doesent have any messenger things. To put it bluntly, How could i ask her out? BTW-Im in 8th grade if that matters. Thx in advance

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hey dude have you ever had a real conversation with her? if you have then she would know who you are. so when you see her, by herself, walk up to her and start a conversation with her. tell her that you like her and see what happens. i know it will be hard, but you can do it. trust me i used to be really shy last year and now the only time im shy is when im around the girl i like. and the girl i like is one of my close friends so she kinda figured something was wrong. so my point is just work up the courage and tell her that you like her. good luck. later. rc

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