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Broken NC on my birthday

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My birthday is today.. and my ex just broke the NC.. she wrote to me and said congratulations and such.. we really talked good and such.. i told her about my visit in town where i got drunk and such.. and the pals i should sleep at were gone thereforeeee i paid a huge amount of money to get home by taxa...


My ex said i just could have called her and let her drive me home, because that was what ex's was for...


This is the tricky part because.. after we nearly had not spoken for a month mor or less she said this.. how should this be understood.. the "this is what ex girlfriends are for"... why is she suddenly so sweet to me and would drive me 50 kilometers home if i called?.....


More to the story was i told her that i had erased her number because i did not want to call her when i was feeling low or just hearrt broken... she first thought it was because i hated her and such.. and ´such she understood.. and i asked her if she had got a new guy and if she had i hoped the best for them.... she answered that where i had heard that.. i told her i was a oracle and such. .but she did not say whether or not she had one back... i saw a picture from my student day where she was at.. then i started to miss her again....


I want to know what this sweetness towards me is?... why does she want to do that?


And furthermore... if she had a boyfriend why so sweet also... (im pretty sure she has a new one, but i think as him only as a rebound...


Help would pe appreciated.. of course its my birthday and thereforeeee she worte, but the other things dont make sense in my world..


Spelling mistakes are free...


Best regards DD

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Driving you is not what an ex is for. It is what a friend or family member is for. Sorry to sound harsh, but it is unlikely that she is either (unless you live in Alabama... hehe just kidding).


She probably has a new boyfriend. For some reason the ex feels that they are doing you a favor by not telling you about a new bf. In fact they are just trying to hold onto you because they know that you are more likely to move on if you know about it (which is true).


Just my opinion of course

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nonono i did not call her!!!.. she wrote to me... and said next time i took a cap she would drive me home instead.. why spo sweet?`I havent contacted her in any way hehe..


I live in dk... and why she wants to do it i dont know she usally is cold against me and such...


More to the fact is that her best girl friend is one of my friends too and i drive with ehr to school everyday.. everyday she mentions my ex to me and such.. fx if she gets a sms from her then she tells me about it and such.. and always brings her up... I don't know why she does this.. Any ideas?


I have moved on at the universty got a lot of new friends and such... yes its sweet of herr to want to do me thios favour if im in need.. but its also weird because we dont talk anymore?

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Happy birthday daredevil


I would try an not think too much into it. Remember that you guys were once boyfriend and girlfriend, so of course there will be some feelings still there.


The friend you share a car with shares a common interest with you, that is your ex girlfriend, so of course she will talk to you about her. Your friend might even think that you two are suited? But in the end it is the feelings that your ex. has that is important. If she sees her mistake and wants you back, she knows where you are!


anyway have a nice b/day and try and not think too much into the situation

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