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Ok so i'm new to the whole birth control thing. Just started taking a pill a few months ago. My period is always about the same. This time, I saw a little dropplet of blood than nothing really besides stuff I won't get into. But is this normal after a few months on the pill, it just kinda stops or is basically nothing? Or should I be paranoid? And yes, I take my pill the same time daily, have an alarm set for it just in case. Is my body just getting used to the new change? And I know every woman is different, i'm just wondering is this nothing or should I take a test? I'm pretty sure I am over thinking, just want opinions. lol

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Yeah, give it a few months. Some occasional spotting can occur as your body adjusts. I've been on the pill since I was 17 and haven't had problems with that after a while.


If you've been taking it religiously at the same time EVERY DAY, then I can assure you that you're not pregnant. People who get pregnant on the pill don't take it properly.


If spotting continues after 5 months or so and it bugs you, go to a doctor and see if you can get switched to a different BC pill that may have different dosages in it that will work better.

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well, basically, just, black. like, i only need a panty liner. It's not red, just black (basically old blood) Like I said, i'm sure i'm over thinking it, my body just adjusting, i'm just not used to NOT having a real period for 5 days. Don't get me wrong, i'm NOT complaining about no blood, lol I just want to make sure this is normal after a few months.

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Yeah, give it a few months. Some occasional spotting can occur as your body adjusts. I've been on the pill since I was 17 and haven't had problems with that after a while.


If you've been taking it religiously at the same time EVERY DAY, then I can assure you that you're not pregnant. People who get pregnant on the pill don't take it properly.


If spotting continues after 5 months or so and it bugs you, go to a doctor and see if you can get switched to a different BC pill that may have different dosages in it that will work better.


I do take it religiously. which is why i'm confused! but, i'm sure its just my body adjusting. And it doesn't bug me, like i've said i have just, since i started my period when i was a kid, never had a period (or lack thereof) like this. So it just took me by surprised and worried me!

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Remember too that for most women on BC, your period on BC isn't like your period when you're not on BC. It's much, much lighter and doesn't last for as long.


This is true too, since a lot of women (like me) went on the pill in our teengs to alleviate period pain, it makes it lighter. I have heard in some cases it making it heavier for some women but the vast majority it makes it lighter.

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