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Why do they leave you and then give you bday presents?!

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In case you haven't read my story, this is it:


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This past sunday, when we both got back to school (we both went back to our respective homes for a break) he called out the blue and said he was coming over. He then shows up at my house with a card and a box, containing earrings. He then asked for a hug and apologized a hundred times that he was so sorry he couldn't contact me for my bday and that he didnt forget, but that he felt horrible. We talked for a few more min and I found out that he had come STRAIGHT from the airport to my house to give this stuff to me.


Lately he's been ramdonly IMin me to ask me how my day was, how are classes going, how is work, and the other day he asked if he could walk with me to campus. I agreed and we walked, I tried to act "normal" (basically, not lookin like i was about to cry, but also not lookin like i was ecstatic to be with him) and he noticed many tiny details, that I cut my hair, dyed it, got my nails done, etc.


What is going on with this guy?? It's been a little more than 3 weeks since the breakup.


I'm confused but needless to say, still love him and hope he comes back to me with his head straight and whatever issues he was having cleared.


Any ideas/advice?

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This could be painful because he's sending out mixed messages. Guys sometimes don't realize how *relationship like* a gift like earrings are, just one step below a ring, in some cases. And he does not really have to be wanting you back. In any case, did you ask him if he wants you back? I'd hesitate to jump to any conclusions. But I do think he sounds interested in you again. Absense does make the heart grow fonder, but he could be the type that will run off again if he feels you are getting too involved so I'd hang onto my heart!


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