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**wanting so bad to break n/c today after 4 months**** help!!!!!!!!

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MY ex dumped me 5 months ago, dated someone right away, they have broken up.., our ending was quite nasty, fights, etc. i have the urge to call him and just say hello, we were together for 5 years.. i need to know this for myself,how he will react to my call ! pls need help!

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Shes been looking at your fb? Well you have been looking at his too. I think you need to leave it, yes you may want to talk to him but he probably isn't up to it. Did you leave him a message, if you did what did you say?


You may think that he doesnt know you know, but he knows you can access his fb and you conveniently contacted him, so hes probably aware that you know.

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What harm will it do? It could annoy him, it could push him away, it could make him ignore you, it could push him back to her.


You have to leave him alone, respect the fact that he has finished a relationship and he doesn't need an ex calling him up, he needs time to himself.

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