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I have known this girl for 3 years and we go to the same sleep away camp which is for a month. She has liked me last year and this year. This year we finally got together. Everything has been sooo amazing!!!! I live in San Diego and she lives in Phoenix. (not too far away) We talk on the phone maybe once a week but online everyday. I just went to go visit her over labor day weekend and we had an AMAZING TIME!!! We both love eachother very much and she always says how she feels so lucky to have me and how she doesnt want to lose me. This summer we are going on a trip together with my camp for 6 weeks. I REALLY want to still be w/ her until that trip. This year at camp 3 other guys liked her (which was a first for her). I DO NOT want to lose her. If anyone has any advice on how to keep this wonderful relationship going please tell me anything!!!!!! We have other get-togethers planned too but in-between those I want us to still be togther. PLEASE LEAVE ANY ADVICE U HAVE!!!!

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