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So... I've been flying around the US for interviews, living out of my suitcase and going from hotel to hotel (nice ones, thank you priceline). The travel, the jet lag, the eating fast food at airports, etc etc.. has been very exhausting for me. And through it all, I was lonely, and constantly thinking about my ex. Missing her, wanting to hold her, wanting to skype video with her everynight before I went to bed like we used to...


All my interviews had gone well, and there were a lot of promising prospects - but on tuesday, somehow, the people interviewing me liked me so much that they got the contracts ready and offered me a position on the spot!! My career is now fully back on track, at an amazing hospital in a great city... When I told my parents, they started crying.... all my friends were happy for me... I canceled the rest of my interviews, and now am slowly starting to plan my next move in life.. everything fell into place, and everyone was happy...


EXCEPT... well... on the plane ride home, all I could think about was calling up my ex to share the good news with her. "Hey Babe... guess what?!"... In my mind, maybe tell her the good news, maybe one of us would suggest a meet-up, maybe at this meet-up we'd reconnect, find the spark again.... maybe that evening would end with a long overdue 'I still love you" confession from both of us... maybe we'd get back together, and the last 6 months of NC would be just a bitter memory we would soon forget. Not a very far-fetched fantasy - but still wishful thinking nonetheless.


In the end, I didn't call. I stayed NC. So now, while I should be celebrating, I find myself thinking about my ex so much more. God, I miss her so much.... it still hurts, deep down. A gnawing, constant emptiness in my chest. How sad is it to achieve a difficult goal in your life, to win at something big, if you can't share it with the one you love?

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that's how I feel most days too.


after my ex moved for this job and we broke up, I also was offered a position in a much better city and am starting to pick up pieces of my life.


i really want to break no-contact sometimes and share the news with him, but then I think about how cold and distant he was the last time I talked to him, and I realize, that it would be a repeat of that.



no where but forward to go with or without them.

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It's natural, you've reached a massive high in a different aspect of your life, so that makes the fact that there isn't that special someone to share it with even harder.


But try and keep a positive attitude. You have the opportunity for a complete fresh start.

New city, new job, new life!

Try and see this as a new beginning, the final curtain on the past.


Give yourself more time, throw yourself into your new job, meeting new friends and collegues and soon enough you will find a piece that fits even better

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