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hello guys... my bf and i are having this argument again... he told he wants to work it out... but the next he'd say that it wont work out... i know i've been stupid... did a lot of stupid things to him... stupid things meaning really stupid...and i told him i'll show him that i wont be immature anymore and i'll change for myslef and for the relationship... i wanna be with him really... and it's vice versa... he loves me a lot it's just that there so many *ish* that happened between us... we wanna workthings out but yeah... and i did show him that i'll be mature ... i dun think he sees that... i like him a lot... he's my world... he's my motivation... but now it's all blurry... i just need some advice... wat am i supposed to do...

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Hi Im_ok


Well Im 30 years old and have had many relationship. I feel that if you have this much of a issue at this early stage of a relationship you will find that 9 times out of 10 things will not change. Ask yourself this questions, what makes me happy, why do I need this person to complete my happiness and does this relationship fit in my life with the need I have and want. I hope you find something that will give you a insight to your need. Being you is not wrong and you cannot change over night. Only time will provide you the life experiences that will mold you. if he does not like what you are now how do you know if he will like what you will become? good luck!

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