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Really like this girl, but not in her "league"

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Hey Everyone,


Theres this girl I really like in my school, but I think she is out of my league. Shes very popular and im scared of rejection, but i may be underestimating myself. If you're a girl, Would you like a guy who is smart and involved in many extra cirricular activities with you? And Guys, a liitle help here...




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Yeah ive tried to get a conversation going once or twice, but she hangs out with her friends who never pay much attention to me. I would be daring, it's just that i see her a lot, and I think it would be embarrassing for me when I see her. It's that way for my old gf and I (14 mo) and we hardly ever talk anymore.




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I remember reading a review of a book recently. I can't remember the title or anything, but it was by a man, who appears to be nothing very special, that manages to date some of the most attractive women in the world.


He compared himself to a salesman to explain his success. A good salesman is happy if 10% of his approaches to potential clients result in a sale. He doesn't get put off by the fact that 90% of the time he fails. He looks for that 10%.


If there were 10 girls like this one, and you knew from experience that 9 of them will reject you, but the odds are that one of them will not, wouldn't you just go ahead and swallow the rejections to get at the one that says yes?


Strangely, some of the most attractive women are actually lonely. Men get put off by them and don't risk asking them out because they think they'll fail. Go for it, she can only say no, but you'll know you at least tried.

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mscolly thanks for the tips, but im in the eighth grade and when someone breaks up with or rejects someone, it's a big deal. The whole school would know about it and i just dont feel comfortable handling that. Does anyone maybe have some tips to make me look better in her eyes. Any girls, what do you look for in a guy?





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hi pyroman40601 i think theest way is to be yourself, dont try and be some1 your not as she will find out later.


if she does not notes you then move on there are much better girls out there for you who will like you for who you are and not someone diffrent.


hope this help?

good luck and keep us posted

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Its tough to answer this 1. On 1 hand u could get a "yes" and be over the moon, on the other she could say "no" and word spreads and u feel embarrassed that the whole school knows.


If u really like her, first try to get her attention and start talking as friends. Not like all the time, but just make sure she realises your there. Hopefully she will give u signs if she likes u, like wants to talk to u alot, stares, smiles, winks whatever.


When u feel confident enough, and she is on her on just hint at perhaps grabbing a coffee together or something and see what shes says. Worse she can say is "no" and hopefully she will say something like she would prefer to just stay as friends and won't go off immaturely blabbing her mouth off to every1 about it. If she does do something like that, she aint even worth it.


Gl man.

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so what if she say's no it's high shcool. there are more fish in the sea then just one. and if she say's no just o well you migth have missed out on the best thing that could have ever happened to you. then find some one else. it's not that hard. once you get rejected don't think everone will do the same. just let it make you instead of bring you down. you really want to know a good pick up line to get some one i'll quote it at the end for you hope this will bring you some luck .


i can't help but wander if you and me where ment to be.



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mscolly thanks for the tips, but im in the eighth grade and when someone breaks up with or rejects someone, it's a big deal. The whole school would know about it and i just dont feel comfortable handling that. Does anyone maybe have some tips to make me look better in her eyes. Any girls, what do you look for in a guy?






First, here is what I think of the whole school knowing it: They will know you had enough balls to ask them out, and all of the guys who like her but won't are just kids compared to you. I don't see anything negative about the whole school knowing, like I said before all they would know is you have guts.


Also, don't think of the won'ts... Just think if she says yes.

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mscolly, thank you for your little piece, i will definetly have that in my mind next time.


pyroman, looking at it realisticly, the popular and beautiful girls at school are desired by all the boys. If she knows this, then in typical teenage style, she would prefer to go out with a popular, confident, good looking guy, the one in her league.


To be friends with her you need get her attention as soon as possible. The longer you wait and stray form a friendship, the less of your chances. Get to know her, and get to know her NOW. Be in the same space as her, let her talk and you listen, and generally be cool, confident and popular.


BUT DO NOT AIM FOR FRIENDSHIP. Women make a decision within the first 3 minutes whether a guy is a friend or interest. From the moment you talk to her, imagine a 3 mintue clock counting down. You've got 3 mintues to impress her.


Having a crush on her is nothing, your one in a hundred. But acting on this is the extra mile, the mile that few guys can actually take. You know it can be very frustrating for attractive females as well, since so many guys would be shy to even talk to her. If you manage to talk to her, you are in a league above all the others. If you talk with confidence and assurance in yourself, not just to her, but with everyone, i promise you will not be out of her league for much longer.


You will also regret it not finding out her answer. I would rather have been told 'no', then live in doubt. I know it can be so so so hard to gather the courage and ask her out, fear of rejection is such a barrier, but i promise you will feel so much better about yourself, even if you are turned down.


At least its a 50/50 if you ask; at the moment your chances are 0.

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sorry to hijack ur thread pyroman but we're in the same boat...im in grade9 and i like a girl in music class and i want to talk to her and impress her but i stutter and some ppl are ok with that (hot girls too)...wut should i tell her something that she will like? i make and race 60mph rc boats lol? (i do)


thanks for any answers...if i do talk to her i hope my allergy goes away lol (my face goes in red dots and something u can call pimples lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, Crap, I waited too long. Now she is going out w/someone else. The guy has been my friend for years, but I really like her. I was thinking about an approach that goes somewhat like this "Emily", I was just thinking, if you happened to break up with "Bill", then would you consider going out w/ me?

I want to do this tomorrow (24) after school. Im on EST, so I dont have much time.


Any feedback would be great.[/u]

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When I was in 9th grade I had the biggest crush on this girl in band. I always found myself looking at her, and her looking back. She started becoming friends with my best friend. She was in the top 10 in the whole school for hotness and desirability. Guys were always asking her out and I was new to the area and felt like she was out of my league.


Whenever class was over I'd stand near her in the hall and eventually we were on a basis where we'd talk every day. Eventually she started dating this senior and I was so hurt. It lasted 2 weeks and she broke up with him. Eventually she became my girlfriend for the next 3 years...


Only things I can suggest would be: be friendly, give eye contact, chat with her when you have the opportunity.


By being friendly I don't mean grab her butt whenever you can, with eye contact don't force it or stare at her with your tongue hanging out, just look into her eyes when you talk to her, not her boobs.


By chatting I mean just say small stuff to initiate conversation...like if she's holding a bunch of books you can say, "Wow looks like you'll be having fun today", or just little stuff like that to get her to notice you.

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